This afternoon, it was announced that Jorge Cardinal Bergoglio, who will now be Pope Francis, was chosen as the leader of the Catholic Church. Live Action has already put forth a piece regarding this historic occasion.
The piece mentions how Cardinal Bergoglio criticized priests who wouldn’t baptize children of unwed mothers. Such is a telling passage of how devoted the Church’s new leader really is to the pro-life cause. He realizes that to be pro-life is about caring not only about the unborn child before he or she is born, but about caring about the dignity of the mother as well. The Catholic Church and the world will certainly benefit from such a man holding such a position of power who is pro-life in the most understanding and compassionate of ways.
Such an instance is not the only way in which the Holy Father has been clear on his pro-life stance as a cardinal. In an article about Francis, LifeSiteNews mentions that in 2007, on behalf of the bishops of Latin America, Cardinal Bergoglio clearly stated that being disallowed holy communion was a consequence for those who facilitated an abortion, politicians included.
The Catholic Church is clear on its stance against abortion. Yet denying Communion to those who are known to facilitate in an abortion is not always as clear as it should be. Such situations are at times dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Often, the pro-abortion Catholics in question are reminded or encouraged not to partake in Holy Communion. In going against the Church, in these cases by facilitating in an abortion, a person is excommunicated by his or her own actions. More than a mere reminder or sense of encouragement may be needed.
The Church has done amazing pro-life work, often taking a forefront position. If the Church is to remain truly consistent, though, on its stance and be taken as seriously as possible, those who facilitate abortion in any way, including and especially politicians, must not be permitted to partake in Holy Communion.
Pope Francis looks to be a very promising pro-life leader for the Church. It is even more encouraging that he has taken such a clear and adamant stance against such Catholics receiving holy communion. Hopefully other leaders within the Church will follow the call of the Holy Father.