Human Interest

POWERFUL PHOTOS: Miscarried babies are proof that preborn children are human

Baby Miran miscarried at 14 weeks

Abortion supporters often promote the wholly unscientific claim that preborn babies are nothing more than “tissue” or “cells” throughout the majority of the first trimester, and sometimes even into the second. It’s one of the original tactics of the abortion industry to convince women that abortion doesn’t kill their baby but rather prevents their potential child from existing. It is the dehumanization of an entire group of human beings. It’s also one of the biggest lies ever fed to vulnerable women facing difficult situations.

Despite their best efforts, however, abortion advocates can’t sidestep their way around the truth when a grieving mother shares images of her miscarried child on social media. When looking into the faces of these small children, it becomes blatantly obvious that these are human beings who don’t deserve to die by dismemberment, induced heart attack, or any other means.

READ: Mother shares incredible photo of baby miscarried at 11 weeks

Five Weeks

At just five weeks gestation, baby Reuben was lost to miscarriage. His parents took photographs of their son and decided to share them in order to raise awareness for what human life looks like at just five weeks. His arms, leg buds, and eyes are all visible on his tiny body as it rapidly grows and changes. At this age, the abortion pill is used to essentially starve the preborn child — at this age, called an “embryo” — and causes it to detach from the uterine wall. Sometimes abortionists also use a D&C or suction abortion at this stage, which suctions the preborn child out of the uterus.

Seven weeks

Baby Riley was lost to miscarriage at about seven and a half weeks gestation. His mother said it was “incredible” to see how developed Riley was despite being told he was just tissue at that age. His body parts are discernable and he is obviously human. According to The Bump, at this age, the baby would have a detectable heartbeat and is “generating about one hundred new brain cells each minute.” The abortion pill is still the killing method of choice on a baby at this age, but abortionists may also use suction abortion.

Riley, 7 1/2 weeks

Eight weeks

Riley’s parents lost his sibling Annabelle to miscarriage at eight weeks and five days gestation. At just eight weeks of pregnancy — six weeks after fertilization — preborn children have fingers, toes, ears, eyes, mouth, arms, legs, and a brain. Since approximately 16-21 days after fertilization, Annabelle’s heart would have been beating. Eight weeks is typically when a woman has her first pregnancy checkup and the baby can be seen moving around on the ultrasound screen. The abortion pill or suction abortion is used on babies at eight weeks.

was 8 weeks, 5 days old when her mother had a miscarriage and took this photo of her. Planned Parenthood commonly commits abortions at this age.

Annabelle at 8 weeks, 5 days – a common age for Planned Parenthood’s abortions.

11 weeks

At 11 weeks gestation, baby Ezekiel was lost to miscarriage. His mother shared his photo to show his humanity. He has a face, arms, and legs, and his fingers and toes are no longer webbed. Tooth buds and nail buds have begun to form. At this stage, a preborn child is now known as “fetus.” Suction abortion would be used on a baby this age, destroying his little body.

Baby Ezekiel miscarried at 11 weeks.

14 weeks

14 weeks marks the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy, and babies at this age can be seen moving around and even sucking their thumbs. Their kidneys are making urine and other organs are beginning to function as well. Baby boys Japeth and Miran were both lost to miscarriage at 14 weeks gestation and their mothers shared their pictures on social media in hopes of educating their friends on the truth of life inside the womb. Abortionists may use the D&E or dismemberment method of abortion on a baby this size, in which the abortionist uses a clamp to rip the limbs from the child’s body and then crush the skull.

Photo by Felicia Cash. Used with permission.


Miran, miscarried at 14 weeks

15 weeks

Baby Roman died in his mother’s womb at just 15 weeks gestation. His parents shared his photos to show Roman’s humanity so that other parents might be more informed and choose life. At 15 weeks, Roman and other preborn children just need a handful of weeks to grow in their mother’s wombs until they reach “viability.” In the photos of Roman, his eyes, nose, and mouth are clearly visible. He is a human being completely worthy of life. A D&E dismemberment abortion is used at this stage of development.

Roman Stewart. (Mandy Stewart Photography)

19 weeks

At 19 weeks gestation, preborn babies are growing hair! Their senses are becoming more heightened as the brain continues its final stages of development. Baby Greyson and Baby Walter were both miscarried at 19 weeks and their photos show how precious and beautiful they were. Still, abortions at this stage are legal for any reason and the most common procedure is a dismemberment abortion.

Baby Greyson, miscarried at 19 weeks.


Baby Walter at 19 weeks

Baby Walter at 19 weeks

20 weeks

At 20 weeks gestation, the preborn child has reached the halfway point in pregnancy and his bones are hardening. All he needs is a few more weeks to grow stronger. An ultrasound can reveal if the baby is a boy and or a girl. Baby Scarlett was miscarried at 20 weeks and survived outside the womb for about two hours. Harlee was also lost to miscarriage at 20 weeks and lived for two hours and 20 minutes after her birth. Dismemberment abortion is still the killing method of choice at this age.


Photo via Scarlett’s Santuary Facebook.

Harlee, miscarried at 20 weeks

21 weeks

Madalyn was born at 21 weeks, and although some babies born at this age have survived outside the womb, sadly Madalyn did not. She needed just a bit more time to grow. Abortion is still legal for any reason at this point, and the go-to method is a D&E dismemberment abortion.

Baby Madalyn, born at 21 weeks.

23 weeks

At 23 weeks gestation, baby Vhanni‘s heart suddenly stopped. The pictures clearly show her hands and fingers, and her legs, feet, and toes. Her little face shows the truth. She is a human being. At this age, while some babies are living outside the womb, others are being dismembered through abortion.

Vhanni Camille Lopez (screenshot thanks to her mother, Marina)

Vhanni Camille

Vhanni Camille

24 weeks

Considered the point of viability despite the fact that younger babies have survived outside the womb, 24 weeks is often viewed as the abortion cut-off date, but it is actually still completely legal to abort a child at this stage for any reason. Even in states that have laws claiming abortion is only legal for “health” reasons at this age, the truth is that “health” includes financial, familial, and emotional as well, according to current U.S. abortion law.

Baby Cayden‘s mother was initially scared to share photos of her baby girl who was stillborn at 24 weeks, but she needed people to see that her baby was a human being worthy of life. We know that at this stage baby Cayden could feel pain, as she “thrashed” in the womb after the cord became wrapped around her neck. Doctors who perform fetal surgery at this age use anesthesia on the babies. It is obvious that these children are human beings.

Cayden, stillborn at 24 weeks.

Each of these children’s lives tells a story of what life is like when human beings are first developing. “Fetus” is a simple term like “neonate,” but the abortion industry uses it in a derogatory way in order to dehumanize the preborn humans they are paid to kill.

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