When Aimee Fagan went to a doctor’s appointment for a 4-D scan of her 30-week baby girl, she had her three-year-old daughter Mollie with her. Mollie made something amazing happen. Every time she spoke, her baby sister would smile.
“I went in for the scan and the baby was hiding at first and wouldn’t let us have a look at her,” Fagan told The Mirror. “Eventually when she did move, my little one Mollie was talking to my bump and the baby just kept smiling.”
Unsure if the baby was smiling specifically because of Mollie at first, the ultrasound technician decided to try an experiment and asked Mollie to stop talking. When Mollie stopped talking, the baby stopped smiling.
“As soon as Mollie started speaking again, [the baby] was just smiling away as if she recognized her,” said Fagan.
Fagan posted about the attention her youngest is receiving on her Facebook page:
Fagan and her husband have decided on a name, but won’t announce it until the baby’s birth via C-section on January 12. They are also parents to six-year-old Macy.
While it was once believed that babies didn’t smile until well after birth, new technology and advances in science have shown that babies not only smile while in the womb, but they also open their eyes, suck their thumbs, cry, and bond with their mothers and other family members.