A premature baby born at 24 weeks and weighing only 15 ounces — roughly the size of a smartphone — is now six years old. Amari Jones is happy and thriving, celebrating all the typical milestones of a child his age, from going to school to losing his first teeth.
Live Action News has followed Amari’s story for years, reporting on one of his first major milestones in 2018 — turning two years old.
Amari’s story is an incredible one. On February 25, 2016, doctors at Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center induced Amari’s mom, Rodericka Moore, four months early after learning she had preeclampsia, a serious pregnancy complication putting both her and her child at risk of death. Born at just 24 weeks and weighing less than a pound, Amari wasn’t expected to survive. In the ensuing months, he suffered from brain bleeds and other serious medical issues, resulting in several surgeries and the need for around the clock care.
But Amari defied the odds. He went home after spending 120 days in the NICU and has spent the last six years enjoying a healthy and happy life, like other kids his age.
“I was small, now I’m big,” Amari said.
Although Amari is a little smaller than some of his peers, his mom said he keeps up and “is all boy.” He loves to play with monster trucks, flip, and tumble. Moore’s miracle baby has grown up so much that she says he doesn’t even want to be called “baby” anymore.
For Moore, however, Amari will always be her baby. And he is also her inspiration.
READ: Born premature at 24 weeks, young woman reunites with doctor who saved her
“I want him to be able to tell his story one day because he has a purpose. You may be delayed but you can be whoever you want to be regardless of how long it takes you to get there,” Moore said.
Tragically, many babies aren’t given a chance like Amari. At 24 weeks, babies like him can legally be aborted, even though many can survive outside of the womb. In fact, babies born as young as 21 weeks have survived. Live Action News has reported on many premature babies who have not only survived but thrived. You can read a few of their stories here, here, and here.
The stories of Amari and other babies born prematurely are a beautiful reminder not to cut a life short through abortion. All babies deserve to live.
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