
Pregnancy care centers help new moms – and don’t sell human beings

So, you’re pregnant and in tough circumstances. What are you going to do? Well, you could go to Planned Parenthood; that’s where people like Dr. Savita Ginde work.

She’ll be happy to perform an abortion on you. Then, as you can see in the video below, she might take your baby’s mangled corpse and shop it around to potential buyers. In fact, she may actually point out that “it’s a baby” before asking how much she can get for the eyeballs or internal organs. Also, one of her assistants might laughingly mention how your that child is “another boy” while poking through his remains.

Apparently this is what Planned Parenthood staff do when they’re not offering to help pimps, covering up sexual abuse, or telling teens to engage in rough sex and asphyxiation.

Of course, there’s another option: you can go to a pregnancy care center.

Pregnancy centers are places where pregnant women can go for emotional support and practical assistance. They can also receive information about adoption, including the different arrangements that are available to birthmoms.

One of the largest pregnancy center networks is called Care Net. Most local affiliates have free pregnancy tests, pregnancy related information, and material resources. Some locations provide additional services, such as consultations with licensed medical professionals, ultrasounds for pregnancy confirmation, and testing for sexually transmitted infections.

Other centers can be found through OptionLine. In addition to a care center locator, the site offers bilingual information about pregnancy, as well as the ability to chat with a representative. If you’re not online, you can still get assistance by texting the word “HELPLINE” to 313131.

You can also visit Online for Life. Live Action’s Nancy Flanders recently highlighted the story of DeAnn, a young woman who the group connected with kindness and support.

A surprise pregnancy can bring a lot of stress and uncertainty. The good news is, there are people who are ready to help. And unlike Planned Parenthood, they see you and your baby as people to be cared for, not products to be sold.

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