PregnancyChat has posted a beautifully informative video on YouTube that demonstrates the journey of every baby from fertilization to birth.
The video begins by saying:
Only two cells are needed to create a baby…two cells, and a miracle.
It continues, while showing the process of fertilization:
Gently nestled and protected in a mother’s womb, a tiny human thrives.
The 4 1/2 minute video – which has been viewed nearly 1,000,000 times – is composed largely of real-life ultrasound footage of preborn babies from early in their lives until just before birth. The video includes a glorious scene with a mother and her newborn, nestled tightly in her arms for the very first time.
PregnancyChat’s mission is admirable: “to nurture you through your pregnancy and childbirth.”
And indeed, this should be the goal of us all: to nurture mothers through pregnancy as they tenderly nourish and protect their preborn children in a way that only mothers can.
For more facts, snapshots, and videos on fetal development, visit The Endowment for Human Development online.