An unplanned pregnancy often brings challenges; having no support makes those challenges a lot worse. If you’re pregnant and don’t know where to turn, you might feel like you’re on your own. Let’s fix that.
First, check out pregnancy care centers and maternity homes. You can find one by visiting or by texting “Helpline” to 313131. Stand Up Girl also provides resources and connections for pregnant girls and women through live chat, email, and texting options. If your browser is set to show your location, pregnancy care centers in your area will easily and automatically be listed for you.
One of the largest pregnancy center networks across the nation is called CareNet. It provides free pregnancy testing along with material resources and information on how to get additional practical and physical support; some pregnancy care centers administer STI tests as well as ultrasounds for pregnancy confirmation.
Pregnancy care centers can also give you information about adoption. You might not feel ready to raise your baby, and if that’s the case, I’ve got some good news: plenty of people are. Couples seeking to adopt actually outnumber available infants; one place you can find them is It’s a website where those who have been approved by a licensed adoption agency can create a profile. You can sort through them by location, age, religion, or other criteria. More information, including how to create an adoption plan, can be found at
This is the kind of help you won’t find at Planned Parenthood, which doesn’t offer ultrasounds (unless you’re having an abortion), and which offers little to no help with adoption or prenatal care. They’ve admitted this themselves in undercover recorded phone conversations:
Whether you’re pregnant or not, getting medical care can be tough when you don’t have insurance. That’s why a number of pro-life groups created It features a map showing your nearest federally qualified health centers. Pro-lifers also run clinics for new moms, like Tennessee’s Morning Center and Colorado’s Bella Natural Women’s Care. You can learn more about them here.
Another type of care pro-lifers are providing is abortion pill reversal. If you’ve already started a medical abortion but changed your mind, it may not be too late if you’ve only taken the first pill, mifepristone. Chemical abortion is a multi-step process, explained in the video below by former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino:
Nurses are available 24 hours a day at (877) 558-0333, and they can help you find a doctor who assists with abortion reversal. More information is available at
Finally, sometimes moms need legal help. If you’re being pressured to abort and fear violence, call the police. For help with other kinds of pressure, check out the Justice Foundation and its Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA). CAFA “was created to provide legal resources to mothers who are being forced or coerced into an unwanted abortion.” You can download letters addressed to partners, parents, and abortion staff explaining the potential legal consequences of a forced abortion. For more information or to reach an attorney, call 210-614-7157 or email Other places to turn include Alliance Defending Freedom, the Thomas More Law Center, ACLJ, Liberty Counsel, the American Freedom Law Center, Life Legal Defense Foundation, and the Foundation for Moral Law.
Of course, this information isn’t just meant for new moms: if you know someone who’s pregnant or fathered a child, you can use it to support them as well. New babies bring a range of emotions, and all too often, that includes feeling alone. It’s a feeling pro-lifers want to change.