Human Interest

Pregnant and homeless, a pro-life sidewalk advocate helped save her and her baby

feminism, abortion, motherhood, pregnancy centers

Theresa was unemployed and homeless when she found out she was pregnant. She wanted to have her baby but didn’t feel that she should because of her situation, and felt pressure to have the so-called perfect life established in order to have a baby. Thankfully, a pro-life organization was able to reach her outside of the abortion facility.

Because she did not have legal paperwork to be living in the UK at the time, Theresa was afraid to go to an abortion business connected to the National Health Service and instead went to the private Marie Stopes abortion business in Brixton. She was crying as she approached the facility because she did not want to have the abortion.

READ: Dad tells sidewalk counselor outside Illinois Planned Parenthood: ‘You guys changed our mind’

“When I was at the clinic I was very upset,” she explained at Be Here for Me. “Outside the clinic I met somebody … she asked me why I was crying. I told her my story and she told me not to worry; that there was no need for me to cry. She told me about the organisation she worked for, called the Good Counsel, and said that they could support me.”

Inside the abortion business, no one was concerned with Theresa’s tears or her reasons for having an abortion, so she decided to call the Good Counsel Network, which helps women in the UK who are facing unplanned pregnancies. At the organization’s center, Theresa was offered kindness and support. She explained:

They said they were going to help and just talked with me. They asked me why I wanted to abort the baby and I told them about my conditions; that I didn’t have a house, I didn’t have work, that I couldn’t cope. 

They offered me accommodation, and they were really supportive. They started giving me food vouchers and money for the baby. Almost all the baby’s clothes and what I’m using for my baby they gave it to me. I don’t know where I would be if they weren’t there.

Theresa is grateful that a pro-life advocate from the Good Counsel Network was present at the Marie Stopes abortion facility the day she arrived. That pro-life person saved Theresa’s son’s life and helped her get back on her feet. Though pro-abortion organizations are working hard to shut down pro-life organizations and pro-abortion politicians attempt to silence pro-life sidewalk counselors, they only do so because these pro-life efforts help save lives from abortion — and that cuts into the abortion industry’s bottom line.

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