A recent story in Metro UK is highlighting the remarkable journey of a British girl who has made great strides since her premature birth six years ago.
When Poppy Cooke was born, she weighed just 1 lb 3 oz, and her father’s wedding ring could fit around her wrist like a bracelet. Born premature at 25 weeks, Poppy had to spend 107 days in the hospital before she could go home with her family.
“Poppy was so tiny when she was born,” her mom, Lucy, said. “We could hardly touch her in case we broke her skin as it was paper thin. Seeing my husband’s ring on her wrist was crazy. It showed just how little she was. Now she can put it on her finger and thumb. She’s just incredible and amazes me every day.”
Lucy was admitted to the hospital when she was 25 weeks pregnant because she suffered from pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome, a liver and blood clotting disorder. She went into labor soon afterward, and Poppy was born by emergency c-section.
READ: World’s most premature baby, born at 21 weeks, celebrates first birthday
Poppy faced numerous health challenges, including a cyst on her brain, a hole in her heart, lung disease, and five blood transfusions. Despite all her challenges, Poppy is a thriving six-year-old today.
“She is a fountain of knowledge,” Lucy said. “She’s so good at maths. It feels out of this world for us that she is doing so well. She’s very happy and jokey and loves playing with her Barbies. She is a dream.”
Poppy’s amazing story is a testament to the power of modern medicine, and is also proof that abortion is never medically necessary. Some claim that pre-eclampsia in the mother is a medical condition that necessitates an abortion, but that is not true. If the mother’s life is truly in danger, the child can be delivered earlier and given medical attention in the hopes that she will live — just like Poppy did. And, thanks to medical advancements, children like Poppy who are born extremely premature are able to not only survive outside the womb, but thrive. Poppy herself commented on her amazing progress, saying, “I can’t believe that I was so small as a baby and now I am so tall.”
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