
President Obama condemns sale of human body parts… in Africa

President Obama has finally done the right thing. He has made a statement condemning the trafficking of human body parts. Speaking of the killing of human beings and the sale of their remains, the President said, “It is infuriating and I have no patience for it.”

A few weeks ago, the White House had little to say about the Planned Parenthood scandal, other than to call the incriminating videos “fraudulent,” but it seems the President has now come to his senses. Or has he?

It turns out that President Obama was not speaking about the recent atrocities committed by Planned Parenthood. He was addressing an equally disturbing practice, the sale of albino body parts in Africa. In certain parts of the continent, albino body parts are highly valuable due to the belief that they have special powers. So, albinos are killed and their body parts sold on the black market.

This practice angers President Obama, and he made that clear. Now let me be clear.

I commend the President on his outspokenness, his righteous indignation. The killing of any innocent human being is horrifying, specifically when that human being is part of a targeted group whose rights are being conveniently ignored for the sake of profit. The illegal sale of human body parts is also repulsive, and I’m proud that our President has the courage to speak out against this barbarism.

Yet I find it hypocritical that the White House refuses to offer a substantive comment on the overwhelming evidence against Planned Parenthood. Why would the President not care to find out the truth about such serious accusations against an organization he has consistently and publicly supported? Is the President hoping this will all just go away? It won’t. Planned Parenthood has been caught engaging in acts just as disturbing – and just as illegal – as the albino trafficking the President so strongly condemned.

To be honest, I like President Obama a lot more than many pro-lifers do. Yet, all too often when it comes to issues of human life, I find myself wanting to bang my head against a stack of boards after listening to President Obama’s lack of consistency and common sense.

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