Like most of the presidential candidates, Ben Carson has reacted to the release of videos from the Center for Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood executives discussing the abortion giant’s fetal parts business.
On Carson’s campaign website there is a petition, which includes a link to the investigative video, and proclaims that:
We the undersigned insist that our tax dollars not be used in any way with Planned Parenthood in light of their Baby Organ Harvesting Programs.
The day the first video was released, and during that week, Dr. Carson, who is a retired pediatric neurosurgeon, tweeted his response and called on Congress to defund Planned Parenthood.
Carson also recently spoke out against Planned Parenthood as an organization, and in opposition to President Obama’s support for the abortion giant.
During a phone interview with radio host Jan Mickelson on WHO Radio in Des Moines, Iowa, Mickelson asked Carson to respond to Obama’s remarks made last year when he became the first sitting president to speak at a Planned Parenthood event and even said “Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you.”
![Margaret Sanger](
Margaret Sanger
The Christian Post reported on the interview, and included responses from Carson:
“You wonder if he actually knows the history of PlannedParenthood and Margaret Sanger, who was trying to eliminate black people,” Carson replied. “That was the whole purpose of it.”
We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.
![Dr. Ben Carson](
Dr. Ben Carson
During the interview, Carson also discussed the first video from the Center for Medical Progress:
“We have reached a time where people are so desensitized where they are not horrified by this kind of activity,” Carson said. “We’ve allowed the secular progressive movement to [desensitize society] to the point where things are no longer wrong.”
“If we can’t defund Planned Parenthood after this, we are lost. We are just in the wilderness forever. I think the appropriate response is to focus our attention on it because they will try to divert the attention and move on to something else and we cannot allow that to happen,” Carson contended. “This is the smoking gun and we have always known what kind of organization this is and how anti-life they are and we can also use this to help women understand that they are being manipulated.”
Carson’s remarks about “the smoking gun” and how “we have always known what kind of organization this is,” are similar to remarks from Live Action President, Lila Rose, who, in response to the first video, mentioned “[t]his latest exposé of Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of baby parts for profit should be the final nail in the coffin for the abortion giant.”
While many in the media demonize and call Ben Carson “full-blown crazy” for such remarks, Planned Parenthood’s own history may make it difficult for the abortion giant to escape public scrutiny for much longer.