Planned Parenthood promotes itself as a champion of “women’s health” but it is really a chain of abortion facilities that occasionally does other things. A video Live Action released in September 2017 debunks the often repeated claim that only 3% of Planned Parenthood’s “services” are abortion. Planned Parenthood comes up with the 3% statistic through a creative bit of mathematics that claims every step of the abortion procedure is a separate “service.” The organization’s own records reveal that the abortion giant performs just 0.97% of pap smears in America. They do only 1.8% of the nation’s breast exams. But they commit nearly a third of the United States’ abortions. Planned Parenthood is serious about abortions — so serious that their centers have abortion quotas:
Former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson spoke about Planned Parenthood’s obsession with abortion in a webcast done by her organization, And Then There Were None, a group that helps abortion workers leave the industry.
In the webcast, Johnson said that Planned Parenthood had an abortion quota. She has said this before. In her exact words:
There’s a quota for everything. So why wouldn’t there be a quota for abortion, right? Because that’s just another service they provide. However, it is their most revenue generating service.
Planned Parenthood makes more money from abortion than birth control. They certainly make more money from abortion than from the tiny amount of legitimate health care they provide. Because of this, Johnson says, they prioritize abortion above everything else:
And I can tell you, nobody got in trouble, nobody’s heads rolled if we weren’t meeting our family planning quota. But when we weren’t meeting our abortion clinic quota, that was when, it was like, we’re going to have to start firing people, you guys have got to step it up. And I remember getting into an argument with my boss one time (this is right before I left) because I said, I don’t know how you want me to – what you want me to do? Do you want me to go out on the streets and start asking people if they are pregnant and get them in the door? I mean, there’s only so many people that you can get in the door and talk them into having an abortion. That’s essentially what we were doing. We were salespeople for the abortion industry.
Planned Parenthood pressured Johnson and other workers to sell abortions, and threatened to fire abortion workers who were not convincing enough women to abort.
Many women have reported how Planned Parenthood pressured them to submit to abortions. Their testimonies back up Johnson’s claims.
Lynn Zent, who is now pro-life and a dedicated sidewalk counselor, describes her abortion experience at Planned Parenthood:
I just wanted to make it all go away, and the only way to do that was to just do it. Originally it was a wanted baby, but the counselor said ‘why don’t you come back in a few weeks and we will talk?’ When I went back she proceeded to fill my head with things such as ‘You are so young’, ‘You have your whole life ahead of you’, and, ‘You have a young child already’. She convinced me how difficult it would be to be in school with a new baby and going through a then divorce from my first husband.”
Lynn made the appointment, but at the last second she changed her mind. She had been given a twilight sleep shot, and she said it did not work very well. “I tried to get up off the table and the nurse held my shoulders down and told me to just lie there and shut up. The experience was horrible.”
Another woman describes how the Planned Parenthood worker she saw tried to manipulate her into having an abortion:
The Planned Parenthood worker who first diagnosed my condition was incredulous at my decision [not to abort], and in a manner bordering on hostility said to me, “Didn’t you always secretly want to have a child so that you could have someone to love?” Sitting there, literally shaking with terror at the disastrous news, I was subjected to the amateur psychology of a pro-abortion advocate who simply could not believe that my reluctance to have an abortion was based on private scruples.
She resisted the Planned Parenthood worker’s pressure and went on to have a healthy baby. She is glad she chose life.
A woman named Alisha describes what happened when she went to Planned Parenthood for a pregnancy test:
When my name was called, naturally my mom and husband stood up to come with me and the nurse told them they were not allowed. I asked the nurse, “not even my husband?” and she said “no, just you!” I felt very disappointed and confused.
She went in by herself. The nurse asked her if she wanted to keep “it” if she was pregnant. She said she did.
You can be honest with me, are being forced to keep it against your will?” I said, “Absolutely not. I wasn’t expecting to get pregnant so quickly, but if I am pregnant I want to keep my baby” and again she asked “So your husband or mom are not forcing you to keep it if you are?” I said, more aggressively and upset, “NO!”
When she was asking me if I was forced to keep the baby she looked like she was reading from a script. I remember her saying that if I kept “it,” it would be very expensive and life changing. She was poking at the fact that I didn’t seem like I could afford to have a baby. She also asked if I was scared to say that I wanted an abortion, and that if I had any questions I could talk to someone that can ease my nerves. She never really said baby; she said “it” a lot. She also mentioned that if I was pregnant depending how far along I was that there might not even be a heartbeat.
Alisha didn’t give the woman a chance to go on. She said, “Excuse me. If I am pregnant I am keeping my baby. I may not be rich but I know God will make a way!” and walked out.
There are just a few of the many testimonies from women who were pressured to abort at Planned Parenthood. The experiences of these women back up Abby Johnson’s claims that Planned Parenthood pushes abortion on vulnerable women. The abortion workers who harassed these pregnant women were quite possibly trying to meet their quota of abortions.