Alliance Defending Freedom – a legal group dedicated to pursuing justice in several areas of American life – has launched a new project to educate the American public on Planned Parenthood. The project has been named “Pretty Ugly” and it is designed to reveal “Planned Parenthood’s deception of the American public.”
When you visit the webpage for Pretty Ugly, you can get the latest news on Planned Parenthood’s deceptions, attempted cover-ups, and the truth about the abortion giant’s real business model.
Alliance Defending Freedom has already been active in over 45 cases involving Planned Parenthood, including ten current cases. These current cases are being litigated over issues including abortion funding, informed consent, abortion drugs, taxpayer fraud by Planned Parenthood, and a horrible botched and forced abortion. The legal group explains the need for the Pretty Ugly project:
The secret to Planned Parenthood’s success is just that: a secret. And for good reason. If people knew that this billion-dollar international corporation profited from promoting risky sexual behavior to young people, enforcing abortion quotas to increase profits, putting women’s health at risk, and wasting and abusing taxpayer dollars, Planned Parenthood would be bankrupt. Sadly, it is anything but.
The Pretty Ugly project has also created an easy-to-use resource page where you can find up-to-date videos, publications, news, and images concerning Planned Parenthood. Some of the resources were directly made by Planned Parenthood itself, but are not necessarily widespread among the public. Of course, this needs to change, and the public needs to be made aware of the crass and vulgar slogans, misinformation, and graphic sexual material put out by the abortion giant.
This continually updated collection of materials created by and about Planned Parenthood will keep you informed of how the nation’s largest abortion provider is using your tax dollars. Please be aware that their images, videos and books geared toward promoting risky sexual behavior to young people are graphic. The news also reports their ongoing failure to meet health and safety regulations, occurrences of botched abortions, and constant battles to resist laws that require them to protect girls and women from being put at risk.
The Pretty Ugly project is also filled with ideas on how you can get personally involved in ending abortion and exposing Planned Parenthood to the nation. Go here to see ways you can get involved in social media, donating funds, special projects, sharing the truth, reporting information you discover about Planned Parenthood, and praying. As ADF puts it:
And pray! Pray for wisdom, unity, perseverance and success in our efforts to end abortion in our lifetime. …
Join together to pray for an end to abortion, for women and young people to be protected, and for babies to be saved.
If you do nothing else, you must get the Pretty Ugly booklet. It’s free. It contains essential and little-known facts about Planned Parenthood. It will enable you to spread the truth effectively. And it’s in a digital format, so you can easily share the booklet with your friends. Fill in your name and email address on this page, and the booklet will be emailed directly to you. Spread the word to your friends, tell them how to get the booklet for themselves, and help our nation discover just how ugly Planned Parenthood’s business really is…