Pro-life author Randy Alcorn talks about how pictures show the humanity of preborn children, and how pro-choicers don’t like to face that reality:
[D]enial remains surprisingly strong. When I showed an intrauterine photograph of an eight-week unborn child to a pro-choice advocate—an intelligent college graduate—she asked me, “Do you really think you’re going to fool anyone with this trick photography?”
I told her she could go to Harvard University Medical School textbooks, Life magazine or Nilsson’s A Child Is Born and find exactly the same pictures. She didn’t want to hear it. Why? Because she was really saying, “That’s obviously a child in this photograph, and because I don’t want to believe abortion kills a child, I refuse to believe that’s a real photograph.
8 week preborn baby
See what a preborn child at this age looks like after an abortion.
Source: Randy Alcorn Why Pro-Life? Caring for the Unborn and Their Mothers (Hendrickson Publishers, Kindle edition, 2011)