It’s contradictory to advocate for a particular group while at the same time support laws that deny that same group’s right to life.
And yet, the public rhetoric thrown around by pro-abortion politicians and advocates is,“Let’s help the poor, minorities, and women,” while their more private rhetoric includes targeting these groups through abortion. It’s a hypocritical mindset, to say the least.
While certain politicians and advocates may have good intentions of helping people, their efforts to push the pro-abortion agenda on the public — and particularly on the most vulnerable — is actually hurting the very people they’re trying to help.
Black Americans
Take, for example, black Americans. According to an open letter to former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, “Nationally there are 365 black babies aborted for every 1,000 that are born. Blacks account for roughly 38 percent of all abortions in the country” though they only represent “13 percent of the population.”
Those are scary numbers, considering that an “estimated number of aborted African-American babies from 1967 through June 2016 is equal to 48.5 percent of the current total African American population.”
Poor Americans
Planned Parenthood has marketed itself as the go-to brand name for low-income women’s health.
“Planned Parenthood has been fighting defunding with the excuse that they, and they alone, can provide health care to women living in poor and minority neighborhoods,” Live Action News reported.
If America’s largest abortion corporation can market itself as the sole provider of women’s health, especially in poor communities, then what’s to stop Planned Parenthood from charging skyrocketing prices for their services?
In a recorded phone call to Planned Parenthood’s Wichita Health Center, Operation Rescue reported that the cost to purchase abortion pills is $659, and that’s if a woman’s blood type is positive. If her blood type is negative, she can expect to pay over $755. This Planned Parenthood facility — located in a poor area of town — charges more than the national average cost to buy abortion pills: $557.
“With the Wichita Planned Parenthood located in a poor African-American neighborhood, that means it is poor women [who] will be targeted for abortions at Beverly Hills prices,” Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, said.
The pro-abortion agenda, especially with its heavily targeted marketing, is making it more and more difficult for poor communities to look outside of Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood’s ability to locate right in the middle of poor neighborhoods makes it easy for the abortion-focused organization to make poor and pregnant mothers feel like they must depend on Planned Parenthood’s expensive services. Of course, this only lands these women in even tougher financial situations. (Despite Planned Parenthood’s marketing, it is neither necessary nor the only solution for poor women or any women.)
Women in America
Many pro-abortion advocates claim to be feminists, yet the modern-day term has been skewed with lies and deception. Abortion advocates say that a feminist can only be a person who supports a woman’s ‘right to choose.’ If you dare to say you’re a pro-life feminist, these advocates will insist that you don’t care about women’s health.
But please, take a history lesson. The first wave of feminists was pro-life, not pro-abortion. They recognized that it was neither fair nor right to fight so hard for women’s equality while supporting the right to kill females in the womb.
According to a 2013 Live Action News article, “The original feminists abhorred abortion, and they fought for women to not be put in that place of desperation where they might have to choose whether or not they killed their unborn children.”
Original feminists like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Victoria Woodhull, and Susan B. Anthony would not be keen to Cecile Richards’ pro-abortion message.
Women, minorities, and poor communities don’t deserve to be bogged down by the pro-abortion agenda that targets them rather than serves them. They deserve to be liberated from the ‘help’ pro-abortion politicians and advocates claim to give them.
Women, minorities, and poor communities deserve other options besides abortion.