
Pro-abortion camp freaks out over nomination of Rep. Tom Price for HHS Secretary

From Rep. Price FB page

On Tuesday, President-elect Donald Trump announced that he will nominate pro-life physician and Georgia Congressman Tom Price as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Price, who was an orthopedic surgeon for years prior to running for office, has firmly opposed funding for Planned Parenthood. This year, Price received a rating of 0 from Planned Parenthood, while scoring 100 percent from National Right to Life.

So, naturally, it didn’t take long for big business abortion to freak out upon hearing the news of his nomination. In a statement, Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards called on supporters to fight Price’s nomination:

Tom Price poses a grave threat to women’s health in this country. If Price had his way, millions of women could be cut off from Planned Parenthood’s preventive health services like birth control, cancer screenings and STD tests. From his plan to take no-copay birth control away from 55 million women and allow insurance companies to charge women more for the same health coverage, to his opposition to safe and legal abortion, Price could take women back decades.

While Price would support the defunding of Planned Parenthood — for multiple, obvious reasons — Richards’ constant harping about cancer screenings and STD tests is a clear case of attempting to create fear and benefit from it. No pro-lifer I have ever met opposes cancer screenings or STD tests, and if Planned Parenthood loses funding, it is due to their own corruption — not because the pro-life boogeyman is out to take away cancer screenings.

As the newest Live Action investigative video demonstrates, Planned Parenthood is focused on abortion — regardless of its constant and misleading claims to the contrary.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtgqxvaV-8U]

NARAL Pro-Choice America Senior Vice President Sasha Bruce also reacted quickly to Price’s nomination, calling his pro-life record “offensive.”

Tom Price is someone who has made clear throughout his career that he does not trust women to make our own decisions about our health care. Instead, he wants to punish us for the choices we make for our bodies, our futures, and our families. In Congress, Tom Price cosponsored some of the most offensive anti-choice legislation on record, legislation that could ban abortion for almost any reason.

With each pro-life victory, pro-abortion organizations continue to promote fear amongst supporters. But the bottom line is this: no one wants to take away cancer screenings. We just want to support ethical healthcare organizations that don’t profit from dismembering babies and selling the remains.

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