Bo Linam is the founder of Hope Beyond Abortion, an organization with a vision of “educat[ing], equip[ping], and empower[ing] churches everywhere for the mission of protecting preborn image bearers of God … through street level engagement, working with lawmakers, and providing care for mothers and families who choose life and those who have had an abortion in the past.” Linam describes sidewalk advocacy outside Nashville-area abortion facilities as a primary focus of the organization.
Linam and volunteers from Hope Beyond Abortion were on the sidewalk outside the Carafem abortion facility in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, last April 27th when the unthinkable happened. “I literally just heard this loud crash,” Linam told Live Action News. “I turn around and see a lady has jumped the curb in her Subaru. [She] basically aimed it at us, and floored it, and tried to run us over.”
Fortunately, no one was hurt, and Linam was able to alert police, who responded quickly. The woman was arrested not far from the scene. “The [police] flat out asked her, ‘Did you just try to run some people over in front of that abortion clinic?’” Linam told Live Action News. “She didn’t admit to it. She just said, ‘I hate those people for standing out there. It’s a woman’s right to choose.’”
The woman was charged with four felony counts of aggravated assault. Depending on the class of felony, sentences for aggravated assault in the state of Tennessee range from between 2 and 15 years. But, thanks to an unusual plea deal suggested by Linam, the woman in question is not going to jail.
Linam told Live Action News that the Assistant District Attorney handling the case approached him and the others targeted by the driver. He advised them of several possible outcomes, and asked them how they felt about each. “I told him, ‘I don’t think ruining this girl’s life is the right call. That’s not gonna change her heart,’” Linam said.
Linam took the situation to prayer, and received a clear answer: instead of going to jail, the woman could instead choose to help Hope Beyond Abortion with three upcoming baby showers for children saved from abortion. “I presented it to the Assistant DA,” Linam recalled, “and he got this grin on his face. He said, ‘I love that idea.’”
Asked about his motivation for making the suggestion, Linam responded: “This isn’t me trying to be some upstanding guy. This is me just trying to be obedient. … We’re trying to affect this girl’s eternity.”
All involved parties have agreed to the unique plea deal. The first baby shower will be held on October 8th.
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