Pro-abortion violence continues as the Supreme Court draws close to a potential overturn of the Roe v. Wade decision. The most recent acts of pro-abortion violence began on Mother’s Day last month as multiple groups took to the streets in protest vowing to be “ungovernable” and to ignite a “Summer of Rage,” with some calling for “revolution” and “revenge” against anyone who takes the position that killing preborn children should be abolished.
Live Action News previously detailed a litany of violent incidents ranging from vandalism and threats to fire bombs and damaged property by unhinged individuals. Below are additional incidents of violence tracked by Live Action News.
Key Takeaways:
- Groups like RiseUp4Abortion Rights, Shut Down DC, and Jane’s Revenge have been linked to increasing instances of pro-abortion vandalism, violence, and threats since the Supreme Court draft opinion in Dobbs was leaked.
- Multiple churches and pregnancy centers have been the targets of these attacks.
June 13: The pro-abortion group Shut Down DC has planned to block the Supreme Court. The “Shut Down SCOTUS” event on the group’s website tells followers, “On June 13, one of the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision days, we plan to blockade the streets around the Supreme Court to rise up for the transformative change that our communities need.”

ShutDownDC plans to block Supreme Court June 13
June 4/5: Sometime during the weekend of June 4-5, someone plastered posters on the Care Net Puget Sound offices in Federal Way, Washington, claiming the facility wants to “push forced birth options.” The posters instructed the public to go to abortion business Planned Parenthood instead. Amelia Graham, Communications Director of the pro-life center, told Live Action News, “Along with these posters, we’ve seen a huge influx of fake Google reviews and our sign at our center in Bellevue was shredded into pieces. Regrettably, we don’t have any pictures of that vandalism.”

Care Net Puget Sound Federal WA vandalized with posters directing clients to Planned Parenthood
June 5: A group of abortion supporters holding RiseUp4Abortion Rights posters threatening to “Shut it Down” allegedly blocked the street in front of Chase Arena as the Warriors-Celtics game began, according to multiple tweets from @ProtestPix.
#RiseUp4AbortionRights blocking the street before NBA Finals. "We have a chance right now to stop the Supreme Court. We’re not going to convince them by being rational, but we can show them that if they come for woman and they come for abortion rights, society will stop moving."
— Bay Area Protest Photo (@ProtestPix) June 6, 2022
June 3: Senator James Lankford tweeted images of vandalism of the Capitol Hill Crisis Pregnancy Center in D.C. On the brick outer building, the words “Jane says revenge” are written in black spray paint, National Catholic Register (NCR) reported.
“Janet Durig, the executive director of the center, told The Daily Signal she discovered it was vandalized when a neighbor called and notified her. The Daily Signal reported that the vandalism occurred between late Thursday night and Friday morning,” NCR wrote. Another image of the vandalism was published by the Washington Examiner and by reporter Mary Margaret Olohan, who also tweeted video of the vandalized facility.
Clinic director Janet believes the vandalism was done by pro-abortion protestors concerned about the possible overturn of Roe v. Wade. Police on the scene
— Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) June 3, 2022
Following the attack on the Capitol Hill CPC, abortion supporters on twitter cheered the pro-abortion violence. An image published by the Twitter handle @realmissrobin read, “We need more of this. Fascists and Christian Nationalists should not feel safe in the United States.” Twitter handle @HolidayInn_Camb agreed, also tweeting “More of this.”
A tweet by @comradetennvic read, “Love and solidarity to Jane’s Revenge!” while @QueerNoOrgans tweeted, “Need this to escalate honestly.” The twitter handle @EmmaAintDead, which has posted a daily countdown to the June 10th deadline the anonymous group set before more violence begins, also tweeted cheers of the attack on Capitol Hill CPC, which read, “Keep up the good work, vandals!”

Jane’s Revenge supporters cheer pro-abortion violence against pro-life Capitol Hill CPC
June 3: DC Antifascists Action published images on Twitter of a threatening message signed “Jane’s Revenge,” which they claimed was found on an overpass in D.C. and read, “If abortions aren’t safe, then you’re not either, Jane’s Revenge.”

DC Janes Revenge message If Abortions aren’t safe then your not either DC overpass
May 31: The terrorist pro-abortion group Jane’s Revenge issued a second communique calling for a “Night of Rage” on the night the Supreme Court releases the opinion in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case, which, according to a leaked draft opinion, is expected to overturn Roe v. Wade.
May 31: Wisconsin Family Action, the victim of a May arson attack, has published a reward offering up to $1,500 for information leading to an arrest and conviction of individual(s) responsible for the arson. Julaine Appling, President of Wisconsin Family Action, accused Madison Police Chief Shon Barnes and Governor Tony Evers of falling “extremely short of showing any interest in bringing those responsible to justice” and claimed they instead “exhibited empathy with pro-abortion activists and their emotional reaction to overturning Roe. Therefore, we believe it necessary to offer this reward to help move this investigation along.”
“The FBI is working with local Madison law enforcement to investigate this matter, and after three weeks and despite the admission of Jane’s Revenge, there have been no arrests made or any indication of progress identifying a person(s) of interest,” Appling said in a statement, according to media. She also noted, “It’s perplexing that Jane’s Revenge has not only taken credit for the firebombing of our headquarters, but they have also threatened our personal safety and promised to continue this extreme violence to other pro-life organizations across the nation, and three weeks later not even a single person of interest has been named.”

Reward offered by Wisconsin Family Action for fire bomb arson from Janes Revenge
A reward has also been posted for information leading to arrests of the vandals who spray painted two pro-life pregnancy centers in Denton, Texas.
May 28: A report by the Miami Archdiocese revealed that a Respect Life Office in Hollywood, Florida, was vandalized and tagged “Janes Revenge” along with the threat, “If abortions aren’t safe then neither are you.” This threat was discovered by cleaning crew, according Rebecca Brady, archdiocesan director of Respect Life. The building’s security cameras captured the vandals, and footage has been shared with the Hollywood Police Department. The graffiti also included the “anarchy” symbol.

Pro-abortion violence: Respect Life Office in Hollywood FL tagged with threat and Janes Revenge
May 27: Twitter handle @rubyfire77posted images of pro-abortion graffiti messages spray painted on the Dove Medical Clinic in Eugene, Oregon. The messages featured the circled “A” anarchy symbol, along with the phrases “Abortion is Healthcare” and “Not a Clinic.” The back of the building was signed “from Jane,” possibly alluding to the pro-abortion group, Jane’s Revenge.

Dove Medical Clinic vandalized with pro-abortion threat Janes Revenge
May 26: The radical group RiseUp4AbortionRights called supporters to a national “SHUT IT DOWN!” protest. The group recently tweeted, “SCOTUS Is on track to overturn Roe within weeks. This must be STOPPED & IT CAN BE STOPPED! But only if we show that we’ll bring society to a HALT before we let them take away abortion rights.” A separate group, “Downright Impolite” continues to call for protests outside the homes of Supreme Court Justices.
May 25: Next Step Pregnancy Center in Lynnwood, Washington, was vandalized with the threat, “If abortion isn’t safe, you aren’t either.” According to reports, the pro-abortion perpetrator also threw rocks which broke five front windows.

Next Step pro-life PRC vandalized with Jane’s Revenge and abortion threat
Surveillance cameras captured footage of the vandal as they tagged the Next Step PRC building with the message, “Jane’s revenge.” Local media outlet reported that the “estimated cost to repair the damage is more than $5,000. Lynnwood police are investigating. The FBI is aware of the incident.” Center Director Heather Vasquez told KTTH talk radio host Jason Rantz that the center stayed open despite the pro-abortion violence, and police have opened an investigation into the matter.
NEW: Next Step Pregnancy Center in Lynnwood, Wash. was vandalized by a criminal dressed in all black. She tagged the property with the threat "If abortion isn't safe, you aren't either" and "Jane's revenge."
— Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) May 26, 2022
May 24: A tweet published @GraffitiRadical revealed the image of a vandalized pro-life pregnancy center billboard allegedly out of Sebastopol, California.

Sebastopol California PRC Billboard defaced
May 23: The Lowndes County Sheriff’s Department said it was investigating vandalism at Mt. Avery Missionary Baptist Church in Columbus, Mississippi, according to local news outlet WCBI. Images of the disturbing pro-abortion messaging spray painted on the mostly African-American church congregation’s building were uploaded by the WCBI reporter on Twitter. They stated in part, “Keep your laws off my body” and “Girls just want to have fundamental human rights,” along with multiple comments about rape and incest. In addition, there was also a crude drawing of what appeared to be a sexual assault, WCBI reported. Deacon St. Armistad told reporters the church of less than 100 members doesn’t even discuss politics or abortion.
The Lowndes County Sheriff’s Dept. is investigating the vandalism of Mt. Avery M.B. Church. The vandalism was discovered Monday morning. Messages include “girls just want to have fundamental human rights” and “Keep your laws off my body.”
— Stephen Pimpo (@spimpojr) May 24, 2022
Also on May 23, a group known as “Its Going Down,” which describes itself as “a digital community center for anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements across so-called North America” with the mission of “provid[ing] a resilient platform to publicize and promote revolutionary theory and action,” published a blog responding to the Jane’s Revenge communique which read, “We are not against you and we do not condemn your actions. But we do want to offer what we and so many others have learned from the failures of armed guerrilla struggle.” It went on suggest that the “arson against Wisconsin Family Action offices” was “effective but it is not enough.”
The group goes on to write about their desire to “creatively share this information and to encourage a network of smaller-scale attacks… [so] that anyone could engage on this level… [and] felt inspired to autonomously organize their own occupations, vandalisms, phone zaps, street performances, powerful marches, or whatever manifestations[.]” The group then wrote, “Could we build a network to support each of these acts and make a larger scaled resistance possible; keeping our enemies in fear, unknown when/where the next move will be made with a diversity of tactics that would invite others?”
May 22: An alleged “cell” of the Jane’s Revenge terrorist group claimed responsibility for the vandalism of four churches in Olympia, Washington, claiming in a blog post, “All of these churches have ties to anti-abortion ‘crisis pregnancy centers. A Mormon church, Calvary church, Harbor Church, and St. Michael’s Catholic church all received facelifts in the early hours of Sunday morning. We dumped red paint over the entryways and left messages of ‘If abortions aren’t safe then neither are you,’ ‘Abort the church,’ and ‘God loves abortion.’”
The message was signed “Jane’s Revenge Bo Brown Memorial Cell.” An image of the Mormon Church was published by the anarchist blog and confirmed by a report in Live Action News reached out to two additional churches to confirm the vandalism took place. Spokespersons for both churches said police have been notified in the incidents.
According to the Center for Security Policy (CSP), “The language of the Olympia communique is typical of insurrectionary anarchist thought urging direct action over theory… Rita ‘Bo’ Brown… was a member of the George Jackson Brigade, which in the 1970s conducted a series of armed robberies and bombings in the Pacific Northwest.”

May 22 Four churches in Olympia WA vandalized by pro-abortion domestic terrorist cell of Janes Revenge
May 16: A pro-life student in who attends Hunterdon Central Regional High School in Flemington, New Jersey, was allegedly assaulted by a group of pro-abortion students as she and her sister counter protested their walk-out for abortion rights protest. The girl’s father Nichole Pagano later spoke to Live Action News about the incident. Parents later expressed their anger at the school board for allowing the protest to get so out of hand. A video of the alleged incident published online is below.
May 14: A group of pro-life students led a counter-protest at a “Bans Off Our Bodies” abortion rally in St. Paul, Minnesota, where they were harassed and subjected to violent, racist, misogynist insults. (Read more at Live Action News.)
May 11: Surveillance cameras caught a vandal committing “criminal damage” to the Church of the Ascension in Overland, Kansas, damaging a sign promoting the proposed Value Them Both amendment up for a vote on August 2. According to the Blue Valley Post, “The amendment, if approved, would nullify a 2019 Kansas Supreme Court ruling that found a right to abortion in the state constitution and pave the way for the state legislature to impose new restrictions on abortion.”
The paper also reported that Overland Park Police Public Information Officer John Lacy had confirmed the vandalized sign pertains to abortion and added that this was the third time the church’s sign has been tampered with.

Pro-abortion vandal vandalizes Church of the Ascension property
The Twitter page @GraffitiRadical has published multiple graffiti messages from various locations. The group’s May 20th tweet read, “Abort the Supreme Court/ My Body, My Choice” spray painted on an “anti-abortion billboard in Portland, Oregon.” A June 1st tweet showed graffiti out of Northerly Island, Chicago, which read “SCOTUS said DIY.”
A May 15 tweet showed images of the spray painted message, “Castrate the Justices” and a May 8th tweet showed the message “God Bless Abortion” spray painted on a brick building in Asheville, North Carolina. Tweets posted on May 14th, May 12th, May 10th, and May 7th showed graffiti messages reading, “Abort Scotus.”

Pro-abortion Graffiti following leaked SCOTUS opinion on Roe
It is unclear what federal authorities are planning to do to stop these increased pro-abortion violence and threats, but this week, author Rod Dreher tweeted, “Informed source: Homeland Security has officially notified the bishops there are credible threats to the safety of Catholic churches, clergy, and bishops if the Supreme Court overturns Roe. Violence has been called for beginning the night such a decision is handed down.”
To date, few groups have condemned the violence. Read more on recent pro-abortion violence, protests, and threats at Live Action News here and here.
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