
Pro-abortion violence isn’t rare–just rarely mentioned

A news story caught my eye recently: someone tried to burn down a clinic offering “gender confirming surgery.” I was glad to see no one was hurt, but the headline puzzled me. Quoting a former patient, it said the attack “sounds a lot like anti-abortion radicals.”

Given that this facility has nothing to do with abortion, the reference is a little odd. And if you are going to make a comparison, why not cite pro-abortion violence? There’s no shortage.

Abortion makes life a whole lot easier…for guys like this

You need to bring up the subject of abortion with every ounce of verbal finesse and situation-appropriate sensitivity. You should sound as sincere as possible and tell her that you want her to be the mother of your children one day, but that now is not the right time to start a family. Explain you want to wait until you are further along in your career/life goals and you can afford to give your future family all the comforts of life you cannot deliver today. Finally, explain if she has the abortion now, you will be able to plan your lives together so that everything is perfect. Then, after she agrees and has the abortion, dump her.

When you’re a man looking to “exploit” women with “low self-esteem” and “daddy issues,” abortion comes in handy. After all, child support ain’t cheap.

But what happens when mom needs convincing? Well, some men use blackmail or financial coercion. Others prefer threats of violence; things can get bad when they’re defied.


Tanner Hopkins’ girlfriend realized that when he started shooting at her. She survived, but not everyone’s so lucky. Hawa Gabbidon wasn’t; Shamari Jenkins wasn’t either.

Tasha Rossette’s throat was slashed because she wanted to keep her child. Roxanne Fernando got buried under a snowbank for the same reason.

Shaniesha Forbes had an argument with her boyfriend about abortion; he set her on fire when she lost. Speaking of fire, Joseph Minerd used it to murder his ex-girlfriend for refusing to abort their child; her daughter died in the blaze too.

These are far from being the only examples of pro-abortion violence, but they help explain why the CDC lists homicide as a leading cause of death among pregnant women.

Of course, coerced abortions aren’t just a way to save money–they can also help you make it. Human traffickers understand that, a fact Captain Jeff Williams of the Dallas Department of Public Safety testified about before a state legislative hearing. In the video below, a trafficking survivor recalls being forced into two abortions, something she describes as “the hardest.”

But while forced abortions might be hard to experience, staff at America’s largest abortion chain chain can make them easy to inflict.

Former Planned Parenthood clinic director Amy Woodruff offered to do that when two Live Action investigators came to her while posing as human traffickers. Woodruff was willing to set up abortions on child prostitutes who “can’t speak English” and “won’t know what’s going on.” Staff at other facilities didn’t seem alarmed that traffickers would be coming to them for help either.

There isn’t much of a choice when one of your options involves an exit wound, so you might think any organization calling itself “pro-choice” would try to prevent that scenario. If so, you’re wrong.

Last year, legislation was proposed in Texas requiring abortion clinics to furnish a private room with information about support services and a telephone to contact law enforcement.  NARAL Pro-Choice Texas wasn’t impressed, describing the move as “not needed.”

If you don’t agree, tell your elected officials to back anti-coercion legislation. You can also tell Congress that Planned Parenthood’s half billion dollars in federal funding should go to federally qualified health centers (FQHC) and community health centers (CHCs) instead. They’re places that provide needed care without enabling predators and pimps.

While you probably won’t hear it in the mainstream media, pro-abortion violence is anything but rare. The good news? You can help stop it.

Author’s Note: If you are being pressured to have an abortion, go here to find out where to get help.

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