
Pro-life activists crash Planned Parenthood donor event in an unexpected way

Pro-life activists crashed Planned Parenthood’s waterfront fundraising event in Michigan on Wednesday by pulling up alongside the event on boats.

Live Action tweeted, “We equipped the boats with an LED screen that presented abortion victim imagery. The pro-abortion group was celebrating Prop 3 which enshrined abortion until birth into the state constitution.”

“An organization that does this [abortion] to little babies, you guys are brainwashed. Honestly, open your eyes. A three-year-old can see! A five-year-old could see that this is wrong. This is so utterly shameful. Shame on all of you guys. Open your eyes and look at what you’re supporting,” pro-lifer AJ Hurley told the Planned Parenthood crowd through a megaphone. He asked them why they were there to “champion” Prop 3, which “supports abortion ’til the day of birth.”

At one point, the pro-lifers chanted, “Let their hearts beat!” and “Forceps off their bodies!”



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Prop 3, also known as the ‘Right to Reproductive Freedom Initiative,’ prohibits Michigan from “penaliz[ing], prosecut[ing], or otherwise tak[ing] adverse action against an individual based on their actual potential, perceived, or alleged pregnancy outcomes.”

Citizens to Support Michigan Women and Children believes that such language might prevent law enforcement from investigating infanticides. “For example,” the group’s website states, “if someone gives birth and then abandons the baby in the trash, the state can’t even investigate the situation because investigation is an ‘adverse action’ against a ‘perceived pregnancy outcome.’”

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Katie Glenn, State Policy Director with Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, believes the language protects abortionists from facing disciplinary action. She stated:

Prop 3 is not about a so-called right to choose. … It would make it impossible to seek justice for women hurt by dangerous lawbreakers. Several years ago, a Michigan doctor was caught doing illegal abortions out of his car. Under Prop 3, he could not be prosecuted or held accountable for breaking state law or putting women in danger. Prop 3 is a gift to criminals and traffickers.

Because of Prop 3, abortion is now considered a right in Michigan for any reason at any time in pregnancy.

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