I just watched an abortion-related video that is unlike anything I’ve ever seen on YouTube. It’s very professionally done, and it’s from a channel called “Fact Not Opinion.” It shows a scene of an abortionist in a counseling session with a young woman who wants RU-486. But this counseling session is very unlike the dishonest marketing and misinformation that was shown during Live Action’s Rosa Acuna sting. This is what would happen if an honest abortionist told a woman the truth about her embryo and what RU-486 would do to both her and her child. I’m sure pro-choice people will cry “propaganda” when they see this video, but there’s a documented medical citation for every single sentence the abortionist utters!
The YouTube channel is hosted by a nonprofit organization called the Human Development Resource Council. According to their website:
We are a trusted provider of facts, not opinion. HDRC RESOURCES ARE 100% EVIDENCED BASED WITH MEDICAL CITATIONS FOR EVERY STATEMENT. Others may claim “facts” and “medical accuracy” without access to their sources. Our bibliographies only include current medical text books or peer reviewed journals and are always available on this site.
By the way, based on their website, they’re not a pro-life organization! (You don’t even see what decision the girl makes at the end.) It’s an educational organization that did their research, and when they made a video talking about abortion, it will come across to many as a pro-life video, because we have the facts on our side.
So here’s my idea. What if whenever a pregnant girl searched for “abortion pill” in YouTube, this video was the first one that showed up? It should, since it’s the only one that is unbiased and 100% medically accurate. The first video that shows up in that search right now is a Planned Parenthood video about the abortion pill, and it has over 114,000 views.
We can beat that.
The Planned Parenthood video spends a lot of time discussing the procedure, but tips its hand by showing only women that were very happy about the procedure afterwards, and of course, no one had a complication. Compare that to Abby Johnson’s testimony of taking RU-486 that included heavy bleeding, excruciating cramps, nausea and blood clots for eight weeks!
In contrast, the HDRC video offers facts only, and no opinions. That’s the kind of video an abortion-minded girl should watch, not a carefully produced advertisement to trust Planned Parenthood for accurate information.
I did some research on making a video go viral, and it takes more than just views, although views are one of the more important factors in YouTube’s ranking algorithm. The other contributing factors are:
- Ratings
- Playlist additions
- Embeds
- Shares
- Comments
- Age of video
- Channel views
- Subscribers
- Inbound links (from external domains)
Basically, if a video gets a lot of interaction that includes embeds and comments, it will do better in ranking. The Planned Parenthood abortion pill video has more dislikes than likes, and only 19 comments.
ACTION: Take 5 minutes from your day, and watch the video, and then:
- Rate the video (thumbs up or thumbs down)
- Create a YouTube playlist and add this video to it. (You’ll need a YouTube account to do this.)
- Embed the video on your blog or website
- Share the video on Facebook and Twitter
- Write a comment with your thoughts about the video, and/or reply to someone else’s comment.
- Subscribe to the “Fact Not Opinion” channel.
This blog gets a LOT of traffic, so if we ALL do this, the video will be at least halfway to my goal of beating Planned Parenthood’s video!
So what are you waiting for? Click this link to get started! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x542DALvFos