UPDATE, 10/22/18: According to Klassen, Choice42’s graphic was restored to her page by Facebook on October 20th.
10/18/18: Laura Klassen, the familiar face in Choice42’s popular pro-life videos such as “The Magical Birth Canal,” featured on Live Action News, was censored by Facebook this week after she shared a graphic originally posted by Live Action president and founder Lila Rose.
Here’s a screenshot of the full graphic on Lila Rose’s Facebook page (which, at the time of writing, is still posted):
Graphic from Lila Rose’s Facebook page
But the graphic was classified as “hate speech” by Facebook when Klassen posted it, and was removed. Klassen received this rejection:
Facebook’s censoring of Laura Klassen’s post
Klassen told Live Action News, “Facebook sent me a message about why one of my pro-life posts was gone. They said it was because the post was hate speech. The post was Live Action’s ‘Not a person’ meme which points out that various groups of people have been considered less than human over the years, including pre-born humans today. I took a screenshot of that message and I’m glad I did because that notification is nowhere to be found… nor is the post!”
It is possible that the meaning behind this graphic was misunderstood by someone who might have reported it, or by those who removed it. But the meaning, as Klassen points out, should be clear.
Choice42 has dealt with censorship before. Klassen told Live Action News:
We (CHOICE42) have been dealing with lots of censorship from Facebook and Twitter. Twitter has made our entire account ineligible for promotion because of our pro-life tweets. They said we would have to delete all anti-abortion tweets if we would like to be able to advertise.
Interestingly, Live Action was told the same thing… and was even instructed to remove pro-life content from the Live Action website in order to be allowed to advertise on Twitter — all while abortion provider Planned Parenthood advertises there.
Klaassen added that a video about a woman who chose life after becoming pregnant from rape was made “non-shareable” by the social media giant:
Facebook actually made one of our videos non-shareable because they said it violated their community standards. The video, “Louise’s Story” is the true story of a young woman who was raped and became pregnant from the attack. She chose life for her baby and in the video, she explains her reasons why. There is nothing graphic nor disturbing in the video. Apparently Facebook doesn’t agree with her choice to keep her baby.
Facebook has also stopped our ‘Unplanned Pregnancy? Need Help?’ Ad which was reaching women in crisis pregnancy situations. We had been having much success in referring women to their local Pregnancy Resource Centers.
Here’s the email that Klassen received from Facebook, stating that their ad, which read, “Unplanned Pregnancy? Need help?” would not run because of the “language” used:
Email from Facebook to Laura Klassen of Choice42
Sadly, Choice42 has joined the ranks of those censored for their pro-life views on social media. It’s time that Facebook, Twitter, and the like realize that pro-life beliefs aren’t going anywhere, and are actually held by the majority of Americans.