HR 3755, the Women’s Health Protection Act endorsed by the White House and passed today by the U.S. House of Representatives, has more accurately been dubbed the Abortion on Demand Until Birth Act. HR 3755 would eliminate all state and federal protections of the preborn making elective abortion at any stage of pregnancy the law in every state regardless of past, present or future pro-life laws passed by individual states or the United States Congress.
On Wednesday, Conference Vice Chairman Mike Johnson (R-La.) hosted a special order in which pro-life legislators highlighted the radical nature of pro-abortion bill. Members noted that the bill would eliminate virtually all protections of preborn children, including those that protect preborn babies at late stages of pregnancy. Even when the child has reached viability — the point at which a child is able to live independently outside the womb — HR 3755 would still allow for that fully developed child to be killed in abortion.
Additionally, pro-life Members noted that, under the deceptive name of “Women’s Health,” the bill would override many state protections aimed at protecting children once they are able to survive outside the womb. Because the bill would legalize abortion for virtually any reason, states would also not be able to protect children from sex-selective abortion or protect babies targeted for abortion following the diagnosis of a condition such as Down syndrome.
READ: U.S. House votes in favor of abortion up to birth for any reason
Besides the protections for preborn children, many states have passed health and safety measures to bring standards for abortion facilities up to those of an ambulatory surgical center. Live Action News has featured stories of some of the women who have died following botched abortions.
The great irony of the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” is, of course, that it is not in the best interest of women. As Rep. Mary Miller (R-Illinois) pointed out, “It’s a fact: when it’s legal and ‘free’, it’s an inducement to women who find themselves in a hard spot to have an abortion.” While removing all protections for preborn children and advancing taxpayer-funded elective abortion, pro-abortion Democrats are making a system that takes away choice and pushes vulnerable mothers toward abortion.
Further eliminating choice, HR 3755 would remove all sonogram laws that require abortionists to show mothers an ultrasound image of their preborn children before proceeding with an elective abortion (part of informed consent). Rep. Miller said, “Women change their mind when they see the baby in the womb.”
Miller concluded, “The American people from all faiths and walks of life have to choose what kind of society they want to live in: one that defends and protects a nine-month baby in the womb or one that is going to sell its body for parts.”
The Act is also being pushed as a racial justice issue, when, in fact, it is the opposite. Rep. Burgess Owens (R-Utah) called attention to the racist history of abortion in the United States, saying, “I’ve watched for the last 40 years as abortion has targeted my race.” He noted that many have “remained silent” during those decades “as abortion has murdered close to 20 million of our children. This equates to close to 40% of the Black race exterminated by a multi-billion dollar death industry.” Owens noted that while Black people represent a minority of the population, Black women account for an inordinate percentage of women undergoing abortions.
Owens said, “In civilized countries, the taking of 20 million lives would be called genocide. The Left now calls it choice.”
Despite the euphemisms of pro-abortion advocates, there is undeniable proof of what abortion is: the bodies of babies killed in abortion. Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.) recalled the horrifying discovery of the bodies of aborted babies stored in the home of a deceased abortionist. Walorski, who was nearly run over while praying at an abortion business in her home state earlier this year, said, “It’s sickening beyond words what Ulrich George Klopfer did as he provided abortions in Indiana for decades. When he died in 2019, his family found the medically-preserved remains of 2411 children in formaldehyde bottles lining the walls in his garage. That’s nearly 2,500 human beings.”
Klopfer is not an outlier, and the routine abuse of human remains is well documented in the abortion industry. No matter how pro-abortion politicians try to spin the issue, the bodies do not lie.
Like Rep. Miller, Rep. Michelle Fischbach (R-Minn.) noted how HR 3755 took choices away from mothers and does not protect women’s health. Describing the bill as a “grave threat to states’ rights [that] will also harm countless babies and women along the way,” Fischbach said, “I can’t imagine in a world where a physician performs a nonemergent medical procedure on any person without explaining their options and risks beforehand. But that’s apparently the world my Democrat colleagues want to live in.”
Fischbach, who has spoken at length about her pro-life views, concluded that HR 3755 was a “direct, tragic attack on life.”
Rep. Jodey Arrington (R-Texas), like many other Members, noted how extreme HR 3755 is and how out-of-touch with many Americans the measure is. He said, “Mr. Speaker, this would put us on par with the likes of North Korea and China and only seven countries in the world” that allow unrestricted late-term elective abortion.
Arrington, who represents West Texas, said, “I’m proud of Texas’s record of passing pro-life legislation that reflects the pro-life values of the people of Texas.” Arrington is referring most recently to the Texas Heartbeat Act, which has earned the scorn of woke corporations and the Biden White House.
As Arrington suggests, the pro-life Texas bill is consistent with the pro-life views of many Texans. The radical overreach of HR 3755 would make such state-level pro-life protections impossible.
The Act would radically alter the legal landscape of abortion legislation in the United States, stripping states of their right to determine pro-life policies, stripping medical professionals of their conscience rights, and removing protections for innocent human life without exception.
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