U.S. Representatives Steve Scalise (R-La.) and Ann Wagner (R-Mo.) have issued a press release stating that they intend to promote a “discharge petition” to force a vote on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act — a bill that the Democrat-controlled House has thus far refused to bring to the floor for a vote no less than 20 times. If all 197 Republicans sign the petition, 21 Democrats will still be needed to sign off on it in order for a vote to proceed in the House.
Several representatives spoke at a press conference today on Capitol Hill regarding the petition, as did abortion survivor Melissa Ohden, and representatives for pro-life OBGYNs.
The Act would require that medical care be given to any child born alive during an abortion process, and would require health care workers to report any violations of this law to authorities. For those breaking the law, fines or imprisonment for up to five years may be imposed. With this Act, mothers may also bring civil action against abortionists who break this law.
Heritage Action notes, “Speaker Pelosi controls the voting schedule on the House floor and she has no intention of scheduling a vote for the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Heritage Action is building a bipartisan coalition of 218 members to sign a ‘discharge petition,’ which would bypass the Speaker and force a vote.” The group also has a helpful list of myths vs. facts on the bill, and an “issue toolkit” all about the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.
READ: How the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act differs from previous laws, and why we need it
“As Speaker Pelosi refuses to allow a vote on this legislation to defend and protect innocent life, we are taking matters into our own hands,” said Rep. Scalise in the previously mentioned press release. “This effort is not just about going on the record, it’s about taking concrete action to end infanticide. Legislation to protect babies born alive during an abortion is supported by over seventy percent of voters of all parties, including Democrats and independents. Rep. Wagner’s Born Alive Act is a truly bipartisan bill that deserves a vote on the House floor. The American people deserve to know where their representatives stand on this issue of life or death.”
Rep. Wagner added, “As radical states and legislators have begun promoting not just late term abortions but infanticide, it is more important than ever that we come together to protect America’s women and children with lifesaving medical care during the moments they cannot protect themselves.”
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