On the day of Planned Parenthood’s 100th year of operation, the pro-life movie Voiceless was shown right in front of the newly opened D.C. Planned Parenthood.
The screening began on Sunday evening at 7:00 and was held literally within feet of the Planned Parenthood facility, with the screen centered directly under the luminous Planned Parenthood logo. The ground in front of the recently opened abortion facility is public property, so the organizers behind the event were able to obtain a permit to show the film.
The film’s main character is Jesse Dean, a recently discharged soldier who had a rough upbringing, but because of his wife, found God and now is totally devoted to his faith.
According to the film’s synopsis:
Jesse and his wife move to Philadelphia so he can take a new job as an outreach leader at an old church whose membership has been declining. As everything is going well and as he starts connecting to the community, he discovers there’s an abortion clinic directly across the street from the church.
He goes to the pastor and to several others in the church and tries to get their help to no avail. One day something tragic and personal happens to him while he’s going about his everyday routine. He comes to the point that he begins to take action himself. He gets involved but the more involved he gets, the more resistance he gets from those in church and community. His wife, who thinks his actions will get him fired or land him in jail, also comes against him.
Finally, it comes down to him having to make a choice: is he going to take the easy way out and back off, which is what everyone wants him to do, or will he face a major confrontation which will require him to put everything on the line…not just his job, but his freedom and marriage as well.
Prior to the showing in front of Planned Parenthood, the movie held its world premiere in front of the Supreme Court, making it the first film to ever be shown in front of the United States Supreme Court. Rev. Patrick Mahoney of Church on the Hill in Washington, D.C., is credited with the idea of showing the film outside the Supreme Court, and was also instrumental in arranging for the showing outside of Planned Parenthood.
Rev. Mahoney spoke briefly after the film concluded and recounted how it was a fight to get permission to obtain the necessary permit in order to show the film. “If Planned Parenthood was foolish enough to plant an abortion clinic right here, on public property, we need to take advantage of it,” said Mahoney.
Catherine Glenn Foster is an attorney, formerly with the Life Litigation Team at Alliance Defending Freedom, and she helped the film screening’s organizers obtain permission to show the film. She herself attended the screening with three of her young children. The fact that we are “here tonight showing a [pro-life] movie in front of Planned Parenthood right under their sign 100 years after they started operating is remarkable,” Foster noted. She encouraged people to pray that Planned Parenthood would do a complete 180 degree turn and actually start affirming life.
This purpose of Voiceless is to encourage people to stand up for what they know is right, by motivating individuals to take God’s truths into society to address social issues. The film also addresses the apathetic stance many Christians have taken when it comes to getting involved in making a difference on social issues.
Watch the trailer, and visit the Voiceless website to find a theater near you.