Six college students from the University of Nebraska appeared in a series of ads encouraging Nebraskans to vote in favor of an amendment protecting preborn children from abortion in the second and third trimesters — a decision which seemingly triggered criticism against the students.
The measure, which allowed abortion to remain legal through the first trimester but did not expand abortion in the state, was successful, and the students remain strong in their pro-life convictions and devoted to the cause of life.
Softball players Jordyn Bahl, Lauren and Hannah Camenzind, Malia Thoms, and Abbie Squier appeared alongside volleyball player Rebekah Allick to encourage voters to say no to Amendment 439 and vote in favor of Amendment 434 instead.
Amendment 439 would have made abortion a constitutional right within the state of Nebraska, while Amendment 434 protects preborn babies from abortion after the first trimester. Exceptions for the life of the mother, rape and incest are included in the initiative. According to Ballotpedia, Amendment 439, if passed, would have amended the Nebraska Constitution:
… to provide that all persons shall have a fundamental right to abortion until fetal viability, or when needed to protect the life or health of the pregnant patient, without interference from the state or its political subdivisions. Fetal viability is defined as the point in pregnancy when, in the professional judgment of the patient’s treating health care practitioner, there is a significant likelihood of the fetus’ sustained survival outside the uterus without the application of extraordinary medical measures.
A vote ‘AGAINST’ will not amend the Nebraska Constitution in such manner.
The athletes urged voters to “get off the bench” and vote to protect both women and children alike by voting in favor of Amendment 434. “This was too important for me to remain silent on. If initiative 439 is passed, Nebraska women will be at risk. That’s why I voted FOR 434 and against 439,” Bahl wrote on Instagram. “Keep our women, and children SAFE.”
The text of Amendment 434 reads:
A vote ‘FOR’ will amend the Nebraska Constitution to provide that, except when a woman seeks an abortion necessitated by a medical emergency or when the pregnancy results from sexual assault or incest, unborn children shall be protected from abortion in the second and third trimesters. A vote ‘AGAINST’ will not amend the Nebraska Constitution in such manner.
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Amendment 439 had been criticized for being intentionally deceptive; the Thomas More Society filed a lawsuit claiming that the initiative used “remarkably misleading terms” and was “unconstitutionally riddled with separate subjects.” Ads promoting Amendment 439 likewise reportedly contained inaccurate, misleading information which was seemingly meant to scare voters into supporting it.
Given that the pro-abortion movement seemed to be engaging in the spreading of false information, it’s laughable that these athletes would receive pushback for expressing their views.
Bahl responded to the the criticism they’ve been receiving with a statement posted on X, which was retweeted by all of the other student-athletes. “Imagine people seeing a commercial done with 6 young women supporting a pro life movement, and immediately jumping to the conclusion that we were paid to take part,” she wrote. “Nope! None of us received a penny! We just aren’t afraid to take a stand and protect life!”