The Washington Post recently printed this very obviously one-sided story on MD abortionist LeRoy Carhart as a front-page feature. In it, Dr. Carhart is spoken about in the most glowing of terms, while members of the pro-life movement seem to be demonized as the violent antagonists. The doctor speaks candidly about “dedication” to his profession (i.e. regularly performing third-trimester abortions):
The obstacles only make him more committed, [Carhart] said. The women who have turned to him for abortions have had severe fetal abnormalities. “We have helped them. … They’d rather die than have these pregnancies.”
So instead, their children should be put to death?
Thankfully, this pro-life op-ed sets the record straight. Glad we’re not the only ones noticing the one-sidedness.
Lena Sun’s July 25 front-page profile of late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart presented Carhart in almost heroic terms. As a pro-life woman … I have grown weary of reports that present such a one-sided image of the abortion debate.
It should not surprise anyone that the number of doctors willing to perform abortions at any gestational stage is steadily shrinking. Doctors overwhelmingly choose to become doctors so they can save people, not kill people.
I wish Post coverage of Carhart would focus less on humanizing a man who has made a career out of taking innocent lives and more on the humanity of the unborn children whose lives he is taking.
— 2011 (c) Live Action —