
Five ways to be a pro-life presence on your school campus

pro-life, Students for Life, college

It can be difficult to be a pro-life high school or college student, especially on a campus that tends to lean toward a more pro-abortion view. However, it’s on these campuses where pro-life voices are most needed in order to save women and their children from the horrific effects of abortion, and to help change minds and hearts from pro-choice to pro-life.

1. Start or join a pro-life group

The first thing any pro-life student should do is check to see if there is an active pro-life group on their campus. If there is, join it. If not, begin the process of starting a group. Students for Life of America is the best place to start. They can help you make your group official with videos, tips, and training. They can even offer vital assistance, should your school attempt to silence your freedom of speech by denying your application to start the group.

2. Set up a pro-life display on campus

There are a variety of ways to set up pro-life displays on your campus. You will need approval from the school first, but students around the country have frequently created memorials for preborn children killed in abortion by placing small crosses in an open area on campus. More rarely, students may choose to set up displays featuring images of aborted children in heavily trafficked areas of their campus, which can sometimes be even more controversial. Anytime a pro-lifer sets up a display, it can affect those who see it. Sometimes you will hear people say you have changed their minds immediately, sometimes they will tell you at a later date, and other times, you may never even realize the impact you’ve had. But your voice makes a difference.

READ: Students for Life launches first group at historically Black college

3. Set up an informational table

Students have also set up informational tables to teach their fellow students the truth about abortion. You can use information from Live Action, including mind-changing YouTube videos, and other resources, including educational and advocacy information. Be sure the people who work at the table are able to converse easily with others, and remain non-judgmental and friendly towards anyone and everyone who approaches. Strong knowledge of pro-life arguments, and the ability to convey that knowledge to others in a kind and calm manner, is vital for ensuring the message is well received and understood.

4. Invite pro-life speakers to campus

Inviting pro-life speakers to your campus, including Live Action’s President Lila Rose, can stir up the debate about abortion and help change minds. When students, regardless of where they stand on abortion, attend an event featuring a pro-life speaker, they will likely hear things about abortion that they have never heard before. From facts about abortion statistics and fetal development, to the truth about Planned Parenthood’s business, there is always something new to learn. Even just one statement from a pro-life leader can plant the seed that will one day grow an appreciation for life.

READ: Students for Life launches middle school curriculum

5. Plan a baby shower for a local pregnancy center

A fun way to spread the pro-life message on campus is to hold a baby shower for a local pregnancy center. These life-affirming centers rely on donations from the local community in order to help families who are facing unplanned pregnancies. Don’t just invite the pro-lifers you know. Open it up to anyone who would like to donate or help out in any way. Tell the student newspaper about it to spread the word, or hang up fliers in the common areas around campus.

There are countless ways to be a pro-life voice on campus and help change hearts and minds on abortion. Remember to always get permission, as well as any permits you need, and keep a positive attitude, even in the face of opposition. Post-abortive students may become upset by the message that life begins at conception, so keep that in mind, and speak to everyone with respect and kindness.

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