“This [the ObamaCare mandate] is our generation’s Roe v. Wade case. This case has the power to decide if the U.S. Government can force every person, including those of faith and conscience, to fund abortion, contraception, and abortion-causing drugs on demand.” -Lila Rose
Pro-life activists and defenders of religious freedom rose early this morning to make their voices heard by rallying in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., which is currently hearing oral arguments for the historic case against ObamaCare.

Lila Rose and pro-life, pro-freedom supporters rally in front of the Supreme Court to protest ObamaCare.
Live Action was joined by Students for Life of America, Rock for Life, the Christian Defense Coalition, and other pro-life, pro-freedom organizations and activists.
“The Obama administration wants to force religious groups, companies and universities to purchase insurance coverage of abortifacient drugs that kill,” said Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action.
Planned Parenthood advocates also attended to show their support for the ObamaCare and its HHS mandate, which would force people of faith to fund contraceptives and abortifacients.
“Planned Parenthood is an abortion business and, unfortunately, business will be good for if [sic] the Supreme Court allows Obamacare and the resulting HHS/Abortion Drug Mandate to stand,” said Kristan Hawkins, executive director of Students for Life of America. “Obamacare cannot and will not stand. Obamacare is this generation’s Roe v. Wade, and this generation must and will not sit on the sidelines and watch tyranny reign.”
For up-to-date information about the status of ObamaCare in the Supreme Court, ‘Like’ Live Action on Facebook.