
Pro-life professor Robert George given hopeful update on heart diagnosis

Princeton Professor Robert George, a leading pro-life writer, thinker, and activist, is recovering after a heart-related health scare.

Last week, George went to the emergency room for acute abdominal pain and was diagnosed with aortic arterial dissection, a potentially life-threatening heart vessel tear. He underwent an aortic angiography. Over the weekend, one of his colleagues, conservative thinker Ryan Anderson, said that “while surgery for this condition is available, Robby’s doctors think it is too risky. For now, they are monitoring him to see if his body (with the help of his great soul) can heal itself.”

On Friday, Princeton’s James Madison Program director Bradford Wilson released a statement confirming that “Professor George now appears to be out of danger, thanks to swift and astute diagnostic work done by the staff of University Medical Center of Princeton before his transfer to Weill Cornell,”and that “We are grateful for the prayers and good wishes of Professor George’s many friends and admirers here at Princeton and around the nation and world.”

George is the founder of the American Principles Project, which is dedicated to a number of socially and fiscally conservative values including “human life from conception to natural death,” and the co-author (with Christopher Tollefsen) of Embryo: A Defense of Human Life, which articulates “a purely scientific and philosophical case that the fetus, from the instant of conception, is a human being, with all the moral and political rights inherent in that status.”

Live Action News has featured Robert George’s work in defense of the preborn on several occasions, most recently for his series of in-depth interviews of the Republican presidential candidates.

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