On Friday, June 7 at 12pm EST, there will be a pro-life witness outside the Irish Embassy in Washington, D.C. calling for Ireland to remain abortion-free. Join us in person or in prayer, to help keep abortion out of Ireland.
Members of the pro-life community across the world are holding demonstrations at Irish Embassies, to stand with a pro-life Ireland and to challenge the Irish government’s push for abortion legislation.
Over the past 20 years, more than 100,000 Irish children’s lives have been spared because of the country’s ban on abortion. That comes down to over 5,000 babies saved every year. Fourteen babies are saved every day in Ireland.
We must do everything we can to help them keep abortion out of Ireland, and look to the Irish as an example for protecting children in America and across the world.
If we do not speak up now, abortion could be legalized in Ireland this summer. Thousands of women and their children are close to danger, and we must speak up now to uphold the excellent protection that they currently receive under the law. Women and their children are better off without the violence of abortion.
We cannot remain silent when it comes to protecting innocent children and embracing human rights for all. As American citizens, we must send a powerful message to the Irish government that we will stand shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters in Ireland to keep their country abortion-free.
Please join us and national pro-life leaders at the Irish Embassy on Friday, June 7, for a time of peaceful prayer and witness in the global struggle to end abortion and keep Ireland abortion-free. If you are unable to attend, please pray for Ireland and their current battle to keep abortion out.
“The Gospel of life must be proclaimed and human life defended in all places and all times.” – John Paul II