A new organization has launched in Waco, Texas, with a singular focus: strengthening the “public square outreach” branch of the pro-life movement.
Pro-Life in the Public Square (PLPS) is an initiative launched by John Pisciotta, who is also the founder of Pro-Life Waco. In a press release, Pisciotta said the goal of public square outreach “seeks to influence communities broadly to change hearts, minds, souls, and votes. The key word is BROADLY—including the pro-life faithful, the pro-abortion hostile, and the mushy middle.”
“Much greater penetration of the mushy middle of public sentiment is needed to stabilize and elevate the influence of the pro-life movement,” Pisciotta explained.
“I want our neighbors to know that they have neighbors that care deeply about the shedding of innocent blood,” he said. “I don’t want anyone to live in Waco for 10 days without seeing the pro-life challenge in our city.”
For Pisciotta, that pro-life challenge comes in the form of pro-life signs placed around town, as well as protests and outreach on the sidewalks outside the national pharmacy chains of CVS and Walgreens, which distribute the abortion pill.
“Pro-Life Waco has been built on public square outreach since the mid-1990s, and now our local organization will focus almost completely on public square outreach,” he continued in the press release. “We must stand up to CVS and Walgreens like the four college students that challenged segregated lunch counters at Woolworths in Greensboro, NC, in February of 1960.”
PLPS is currently launching two initiatives to “encourage and equip local public square outreach” — the pharmacy outreach and the yard signs outreach. However, the organization is also soliciting other ways to further expand its message in the public arena.
“The pro-life movement must reverse the early political setbacks of the post-Roe era,” Pisciotta said. “We can’t turn the tide without robust local public square outreach.”
Editor’s Note: Groups and individuals interested in hosting protests in their local areas can get a Quick Start Pack (free signs and chemical abortion flyers for CVS and Walgreens protests). In addition, Yard Signs for Life offers from 20 to 100 attractive yard signs at $5 per sign.