Following pushback from pro-life organizations and individuals, including Live Action, an all-trimester abortion facility preparing to open in Beverly Hills, California, this fall has lost its lease agreement.
According to an Instagram video shared by the pro-life group The Battle Cry, the landlord of 8920 Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills has rescinded the lease for the DuPont Clinic. The landlord’s attorney sent an email regarding the property and his decision to Tim Clement, Director of Outreach for the Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust, who announced the news at the planned pro-life rally outside the building on July 29.
The pro-life win comes after pro-lifers launched prayer and protest efforts to stop the facility from opening.
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“I think the property management for the building didn’t realize what they were signing up for when they agreed to lease to DuPont,” said Clement. “Being home to a first-of-[its] kind abortion business is not what this city wants to be known for and they definitely weren’t pleased with the presence of protestors taking to their streets every day.”
Pro-lifers have been fighting back against the opening of the facility, which plans to commit “all-trimester” abortions — up to 31 weeks and six days — for any reason. In the third trimester (typically starting at week 28), preborn human beings are most often killed via lethal injection, which causes cardiac arrest. The mother, who, according to DuPont is sedated, would then give birth to a stillborn baby.
Babies born as young as 21 weeks have survived outside the womb.
While abortion advocates claim that abortions are only carried out this late in pregnancy for medical reasons, the truth is that many women have abortions in the third trimester for non-health related reasons, which DuPont Clinic’s patient director Karishma Oza calls “beautiful.”
She said, “I think abortion in all trimesters is beautiful. And you know, there is also a myth that abortion in the second and third trimester is only for people experiencing anomalies. That’s also not true. Of course, we serve people who have anomalies at our clinic, and we do it with a whole lot of heart and compassion. But there’s this misconception that there also has to be something wrong with the pregnancy in order to have an abortion, and that’s just not true.” (emphasis added)
While the DuPont Clinic has lost its Beverly Hills location for now, it is likely working to secure a new location in California. The abortion business continues to commit abortions into the third trimester at its location in Washington, D.C.