By Michelle Banfield
Of all the arguments used to support being “Pro-Choice” why is it that none of these arguments are the sole reasons for a woman to want to get an abortion?
A few reasons someone would support being “pro choice”:
*A fetus doesn’t have rights
*I don’t believe the fetus has feelings
*Legal abortion is safer for women compared to illegal abortion
*Someone elses religion can’t rule me
*Men can’t get pregnant so they can’t tell women what to do
*Pro lifers haven’t adopted all the orphans
Why not use the reasons a woman would get an abortion to be the same reasons to support it? If it is a good enough reason to act on why isn’t it a good enough reason to defend the action? You wouldn’t say, “HM, I think I’ll have an abortion today because I don’t believe the fetus has feelings.”
A few reasons women abort:
*I am not ready to be a parent.
*I don’t think I can afford it.
*I don’t have a supportive boyfriend/husband.
*I had plans for my life that didn’t include a child(yet).
*Adoption would be hard to deal with.
*I am scared.
*I don’t want people to judge me.
Is this because if we focused on these reasons we would be faced with finding solutions to the issues at hand and at the heart of the matter we simply don’t want to have to do that? “Easy way out” is best? (Even though many women can tell you it’s not that easy but by that time its too late)
On the contrary, Pro-Lifers are Pro-Lifers because we value all human life, we know people shouldn’t end an innocent life for any reason because it is unfair, immoral, and unjustifiable. These are the same reasons why women should NOT have abortions. Its actually very simple. We don’t need to complicate things to distract from the issue at hand.
Trying to justify what is being done with arguments (that weren’t the cause of the action in the first place) DO NOT defend the original reasoning behind that action.
It becomes logically clear that excuses are being used to defend ending the life of the unborn.
At the end of the day- what is right is what is right and what is wrong is wrong. Is the choice to end a life ever the right choice?