Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the guest author and not necessarily of Live Action or Live Action News. This article has been minimally edited for clarity.
On Thursday, March 30, 2023 — the one year anniversary of the day I was unjustly arrested by the FBI for allegedly violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act at a 2020 anti-abortion rescue — I and my friends Lila and Tom visited Columbia Heights Education Campus (CHEC) in Washington, D.C.
We held a large, graphic banner depicting five victims of late term abortion. These children had been murdered by abortionist Cesare Santangelo, owner of Washington Surgi-Clinic, and the same killer whose abortion business was the target of the 2020 rescue previously mentioned.
It is obvious that several of these babies had been aborted illegally either through D&X (partial-birth) abortion or by allowing a live birth and the expiration of the child outside the womb. But instead of performing autopsies and prosecuting Santangelo for his crimes, the D.C. authorities have done nothing whatsoever for more than a year.
A petition is being generated at www.Jfor5.com to demand action on this injustice. For this reason, we were outside CHEC, intending to generate interest from the students and later to do the same outside Columbia Heights Metro.
We have visited this school several times in the past without suffering any violence from students. But that day there were also present a number of vehemently pro-abortion adults, and they managed to stir up the crowd of teenagers against us. Some began to mock the images of murdered children and curse at us.
Two young women in particular became very irate and loud. We had a portable loudspeaker with us and one of them attempted to steal our microphone from my friend, breaking it in the process.
Soon after this, they came behind us and began to mess with our sign and threaten us physically. Their male friends did the same. Suddenly, I received a powerful punch to the jaw from somewhere to my right. I hardly had time to defend myself before I was knocked to the ground and immediately set upon by what seemed to be a large crowd of CHEC students.
My phone and glasses were knocked away. For a minute or so I struggled to stand and fight back, receiving numerous kicks and punches to the body. Somehow I eventually found myself standing and being pushed up the street, away from the crowd, by a couple school administrators who had been attempting to defend us. My friends joined me there. Lila had suffered numerous wounds to her face, head, and neck.

Jonathan’s broken glasses
Police and medical soon arrived and ferried Lila to a hospital. I remained on scene to discover that my glasses had been destroyed while my phone and amplifier had been stolen. We spent the rest of that afternoon engaging with police.

Lila in the hospital indicating one of the injuries she suffered
I am not aware whether any students have been disciplined for this attack, and it remains to be seen what will happen legally. I have filed a police report, a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain security footage, and we do intend to press charges.
But the law works differently where abortion is concerned.
Editor’s Note, 4/7/23: This post has been updated at the author’s request.