#PlannedParenthood wants your baby dead: 175 aborted for every ONE #adoption referral. #PPShoutYourStory #StandWithPP pic.twitter.com/U2UrDZNcH6
— Radiance Foundation (@lifehaspurpose) July 16, 2015
Since the horrifying video on Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts was released on Tuesday, #PlannedParenthood has been consistently trending on Twitter, with tens of thousands of people tweeting about the abortion giant.
At various points during the last three days, #PlannedButcherhood and #PPSellsBabyParts have also trended. #PlannedParenthood has also remained a top trend on Facebook, with users taking to that form of social media, too, to express and share their outrage with their friends.
Today, #PPShoutYourStory was a new trend, started by Planned Parenthood, but taken over by tweeters sharing personal abortion stories.
hey planned parenthood: i was born Alive in one of your clinics. being burned in my mother's womb for 18 hours on 4.6.77 #PPShoutYourStory
— Gianna Jessen (@giannajessen) July 16, 2015
I’m grateful that my courageous #birthmom didn’t abort me even though she had been raped. https://t.co/Vd5Fs68vnm #PPShoutYourStory
— Ryan Bomberger (@ryanbomberger) July 16, 2015
Remember Tonya Reaves#PPShoutYourStory #StandWithPP pic.twitter.com/tgNoJ5SHbm
— catherine adair (@prolifeadair) July 16, 2015
I can’t tell my story. Planned Parenthood ended it. #ppshoutyourstory #ppsellsbabyparts pic.twitter.com/ypnpTxNMzj
— Students for Life (@Students4LifeHQ) July 16, 2015
How many stories have been silenced forever in Planned Parenthood abortion cntrs?#PPShoutYourStory #PPSellsBabyParts pic.twitter.com/unB5TeoQ4V
— Bound4LIFE (@Bound4LIFE) July 16, 2015
You have a voice, but don't use it to suppress their's
Use your voice 2 defend their lives#prolife pic.twitter.com/tEfemyzBmt— JaramilloMotorsports (@chooseliferacer) July 16, 2015
How Planned Parenthood sees the world. #PPShoutYourStory pic.twitter.com/KWVUveCanK
— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) July 16, 2015
So America, keep up the good work – tweet and post the truth about #PlannedParenthood today and tomorrow and every day. Through social media, we can make sure the whole world knows what America’s abortion giant is really up to.
[easy-tweet tweet=”#PlannedParenthood = #PlannedButcherhood because #PPSellsBabyParts. That’s the real story.” user=”LiveActionNews”]
If you haven’t seen the chilling video from The Center for Medical Progress yet, join the more than 2.1 million people who have so far: