
Pro-lifers respond to abortion escorts at Dr. Klopfer’s abortion facility

abortion clinic escort
Pro-Choice Clinic Escorts at Dr. Klopfer's abortion facility.

Abortion clinic escorts at Dr. Klopfer’s abortion facility

Observers at the South Bend abortion facility have noticed increasingly odd behavior on the part of abortionist Dr. Klopfer’s clinic escorts. (Live Action has previously reported on Dr. Klopfer’s ill treatment of minor girls seeking abortions. His “negligence and contempt for law” are highlighted here.)

Increasingly, the escorts are making a determined effort to keep the women from hearing or receiving additional information about the ramifications of abortion.  As women enter the facility, the escorts turn on music so women will not hear those who encourage them to consider alternatives. This seems an odd way to promote “choice.”

The pro-life presence at the facility is a peaceful one, as pro-life volunteers offer pamphlets with information about free ultrasounds and additional assistance. One Life Center volunteer commented on the odd behavior of the escorts:

The disturbing things we have witnessed there are many. I guess the saddest thing is to see the clinic “escorts” (who try to block our advocates from giving literature out or talk with the women in a last ditch effort to save a human person from being destroyed). We see them dancing in a circle, laughing and speaking in profoundly profane and hateful ways – more than one young escort there has shouted out that she hates children. Another has screamed in a demonic fashion (perhaps trying to upset the Christians there or perhaps for real). All of this going on while human life is being snuffed out inside the clinic.

Escorts at Dr. Klopfer's abortion facility recently posted this sign.

Escorts at Dr. Klopfer’s abortion facility recently posted this sign.

In a specific response to the sign above, one pro-life volunteer has this response:

  • “(check) Contraception” – how exactly does an abortifacient lower the abortion rate, ma’am?
  • “(check) Free child care” – I am all for this. I went into early childhood education, after all! Both programs where I work have scholarship funds, and families whose tuition is covered by school and child care vouchers.
  • “(no check) Standing outside of clinics being a (deleted word)” – actually, standing outside praying and counseling *does* lower the abortion rate, by at least 67 children at this facility alone. We have documentation, pictures, and happy moms and babies to prove it!

She adds, with a good-humored laugh, “And as to that little insult at the end, there is nothing so inherently evil about the name Richard – and we’re mostly female anyway.”

Life Center Advocates maintain a peaceful presence outside Dr. Klopfer's office.

Life Center Advocates maintain a peaceful presence outside Dr. Klopfer’s office.

The Life Center provides factual literature and pro-life advocacy outside the abortion facility in South Bend. Medical and legal assistance as well as emergency shelter are also available for those women who are being pressured or abused by parents or boyfriends or husbands. In addition to a constant prayerful presence, The Life Center also houses an adoption agency, helps with living expenses, and gives Natural Family Planning assistance. The Life Center offers post-abortion counseling services for those women who are suffering emotional and psychological trauma.

Prayer vigils are a regular sight at Dr. Klopfer's office.  The Life Center also runs the 40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign

Prayer vigils are a regular sight at Dr. Klopfer’s office. The Life Center also runs the 40 Days for Life prayer campaign.

Offering women real choices is a central goal of The Life Center.  And they have the results to show they are making a difference. In the last two years, there have been 67 confirmed saves. That number may be higher as more hearts may be changed when some prospective customers slow down and decide to drive away after seeing Life Center prayer volunteers on the scene or after talking with one of the Life Center advocates.

Despite the efforts of abortion clinic escorts to drown out the truth, many women are still hearing about life. And many more need to hear.

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