Pro-life group Created Equal announced in a September 1 press release its partnership with Abortion Free New Mexico for the latest installment in its #ProjectWeakLink campaign. Four years ago, Created Equal began the campaign to target what it sees as the “weak link” of the abortion industry: the business relationships between abortion facilities and the biohazardous waste companies that dispose of aborted baby body parts.
The most recent project in the campaign focuses on New Mexico Waste Recovery’s servicing of the notorious Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO) late-term abortion facility located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Live Action News has reported multiple times on the testimony given by SWO abortionists in a court deposition regarding the 2017 death of Keisha Marie Atkins, who died while obtaining a late-term abortion there at approximately 24 weeks. Atkins died on the final day of her multiple-day procedure. Late-term abortionist Carmen Landau attested that abortion patients are specifically counseled not to go to the emergency room for after-hours complications or post-abortion complications. Both Ms. Landau and fellow SWO abortionist Shelly Sella were featured in Live Action’s InHuman investigation in 2013, as seen in the video below.
According to Created Equal’s emailed press release, “Abortion Free New Mexico has obtained photos and video footage from sidewalk counselors with the Lambs of the Vulnerable Heart that document New Mexico Waste Recovery as the disposal company enabling Southwestern Women’s Options’ abortion business.” The press release further states, “The abortion industry is on record stating that, ‘We are all one incinerator away, or one incineration company away, from being closed.’”
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The video above features a recorded phone conversation between a member of Abortion Free New Mexico and New Mexico Waste Recovery owner Chris Morton. The phone call was a followup to a letter sent on July 16th requesting that Mr. Morton sever his company’s business contract with SWO, which would force the abortion facility to find another way to dispose of aborted baby bodies.
During the call, Mr. Morton stated, “To be honest, I didn’t read it. But it’s not really something that I’m going to talk about.”
The caller queried,, “So you didn’t read the letter at all?”
Mr. Morton affirmed, “No, no, I didn’t.”
The caller then asked, “So you fully understand that you’re helping the abortion industry and you’re just not willing to hear another perspective at all or anything like that?”
Mr. Morton responded, claiming that those who focus on eradicating the human injustice of killing children in the womb are “fanatical,” and attempted to pivot the conversation away from abortion to “all of the injustices in this country [and]… in this world”:
Well, let me ask you this. When you start talking about all of the injustices in this country and you talk about other things that are inclusive in this world that’s a problem, then I’ll start having a real conversation with you about this. But until then, I think that you’re just kind of fanatical about something that you only want to pick as something. Okay?
So don’t call me back until you want to accept some of the other things that’s going on.
The caller answered, “Well, let’s talk about it. I’m willing to talk with you.”
Mr. Morton returned, “Okay. Do black people – do black lives matter?”
The caller responded, “All lives matter. So, obviously, yes.”
Mr. Morton shut down the conversation at that point, saying, “Then I don’t want to have anything to – I don’t want to talk to you then. Have a nice day.”
Perhaps if the act of abortion weren’t hidden behind the doors of abortion facilities, people like Mr. Morton would have a different perspective on its injustice and brutality. Perhaps if they had to look at the dismembered body parts of the children torn apart by this act, their hearts and minds would change.
Created Equal suggests that pro-lifers take action in one of the following ways:
- “Contact New Mexico Waste Recovery Owner, Chris Morton, at 505.545.9824 or email him and respectfully request New Mexico Waste Recovery discontinue providing Southwestern Women’s Options their services to dispose of aborted children and the instruments used to kill them.”
- “Sign the petition to stop New Mexico Waste Recovery from collaborating in the deaths of thousands of babies by abortion.”
Created Equal president Mark Harrington commented, “Abortion Free New Mexico is on the frontlines of the battle to end abortion in the late-term abortion capital of the nation. Together as a collective voice, we can persuade New Mexico Waste Recovery to stop enabling the killing business of Southwestern Women’s Options.”
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