
Pro-lifers confront “Women for Hillary” rally in Ohio

Pro-lifers exposed Hillary Clinton’s support for Planned Parenthood and for abortion outside an Ohio event where a relatively small crowd of Clinton supporters gathered.

The grassroots meeting Thursday in downtown Columbus, dubbed “Women for Hillary,” was an opportunity for Clinton to share her views on equal pay for women, paid leave, and abortion.

press release for the event mentioned Hillary’s support of Planned Parenthood:

As President, Clinton will protect funding for Planned Parenthood, and will fight Republican efforts to take away women’s right to basic healthcare like affordable birth control.

FOX’s Ed Henry attended the Ohio rally and tweeted that Hillary’s turnout was poor, later adding in a FOX report, “Looks like Ohioan women might not be into Hillary.”

Outside the Hillary event, pro-lifers said the Democrat presidential hopeful should not be nominated because she supports abortion. One woman attending the pro-life rally stated:

Hillary Clinton stayed about an hour, spoke to a group of supporters, got them all fired up to support her for President… and she exited and was all smiles… thinking we were FOR her… until she caught sight of the abortion victim images….

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(Photo via Mark Harrington’s Facebook page)

Mark Harrington, president of Created Equal PAC, included in a group of about twenty pro-life advocates, greeted Mrs. Clinton and  her smattering of supporters with a bullhorn and with signs that read, “Hillary Clinton supports killing children.” Harrington remarked at the event:

Hillary Clinton does not deserve to be the Democrat nominee nor be the President of the United States…. She’s disqualified because she supports the killing of preborn babies….

She also supports the harvesting and trafficking in human baby parts. That’s selling hearts, liver, and lungs….

This isn’t about equality, this isn’t about women’s rights. This isn’t about ‘reproductive rights.’ This is about protecting the weak from the strong. Protecting the preborn, the children and protecting them from the hands of Planned Parenthood who not only kills them but sells the baby parts for profit….

A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for killing children and harvesting their baby parts for profit….

(Photos/video used with permission from Mark Harrington)

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