Many of us remember the 2013 situation in Texas over the state’s 20-week abortion ban, notably the hijinks pulled by abortion supporters. These were people whose protests held up a vote from taking place at the proper time, who chanted “Hail Satan!”, and who planned to throw tampons on public officials. When the bill finally passed, pro-lifers had to be put in lock down for their own safety.
Days ago, Wisconsin passed its own 20-week abortion ban, and Governor Scott Walker has promised to sign it into law. The activity in Wisconsin has been quieter than Texas, yet it does look like a few protesters went for the outrageous and extreme. As Twitchy has posted, one woman chained herself up in the Wisconsin Capitol building to protest the ban. Eventually it became three.
Twitchy also mentioned the Texas abortion bill protests, including how women not only chained themselves up, but also were covered in fake blood.
Whether it’s one, three, or several people acting out in such a way, let’s think about what they’re protesting here. Neither the Wisconsin nor the Texas law bans abortion outright. It cuts it off at a certain point at which most Americans believe the baby has a right to live, realizing that the baby can scientifically feel pain. Of course, while a baby at all ages has a right to life, regardless of her ability to feel pain, most pro-lifers see 20-week bans as a step in the right direction.
With how pro-abortion protesters continue to go nuts over these bans, one would think it was something much worse.

Walter Joshua Fretz at 19 weeks old. How can it be okay to kill this amazingly formed human being? Credit: Lexi Fretz & F2 Photography
One has to wonder if these protesters even understand the issue they’re protesting. How can they not agree that there is at least a certain point where abortion is no longer okay? While the true point is the beginning of a new, unique, individual human’s life (at fertilization/conception), how can these protesters look at a baby like Walter Fretz and say that he deserves to die, based on his mother’s choice? Like all preborn babies, Walter had a unique body, separate from his mother’s body.
Additionally, we should all be able to expect that American citizens, whatever our beliefs on abortion, have enough sense and maturity to protest peacefully, and to not chain ourselves up or throw tampons at people.
These bills to ban abortions after 20-weeks are not outrageous and extreme. The lies about such bans, the inaccuracies thrown around by abortion supporters, and this ridiculous behavior is what’s extreme and outrageous.
And, above all, if anything is extreme and outrageous, and sad, it’s that up until this point – and even still in other parts of the country – pain-capable preborn babies have been aborted.