Even if you’ve never had an abortion, or never considered one, it is likely that you know someone who has either had one or who has been affected by one. Truth be told, abortion affects us all in some way. Below are some resources that may be helpful for those who are simply seeking to learn about what abortion is, or for those who have already had an abortion.
1. If you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and are considering abortion, you are not alone, and you have options.
For more information on abortion, see 10 Reasons Not to Have an Abortion. To find resources and people that can help, check out organizations like Save the Storks, Stand Up Girl, Option Line, or Pregnancy Line. They can help connect you with trained counselors that can connect you with local resources — including necessary medical help from doctors who can care for you and your child.
2. If you are a minor considering seeking an abortion without parental notification or consent (or if you just need more information on abortion and fetal development), please see the following resources.
AbortionProcedures.com features videos in which former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino, explains each of the most common types of abortion procedures. Along with each explanation is a description of the risks associated with each type of procedure, like the one below:
To learn more about the development of a preborn child in the womb, watch the video below:
3. If you have begun the process of abortion by taking the abortion pill, and regret your decision, it may not be too late.
Abortion pill reversal is possible for some women, and doctors have already saved hundreds of babies. If you or someone you know has taken the abortion pill and have changed their minds, you can find help at AbortionPillReversal.com, or call 1-877-558-0333, a 24/7 nurse-staffed hotline.
4. If you are being pressured into having an abortion, you have rights.
Visit this resource to get ideas and help on how to stand up to coercion, from organizations like legal establishments and crisis pregnancy centers, to scientific information on pregnancy and emotional support.
5. If you have had an abortion and are struggling with post-abortion grief and regret, help is available.
Please read 6 Things Post-Abortive Women Need. Resources available for women to heal from abortion include HopeAfterAbortion.com, Silent No More, and Rachel’s Vineyard, which offers toll-free counseling hotlines for both post-abortive men and women: 866-482-LIFE & 877-HOPE-4-ME.
6. If you are the father of a preborn baby who is in danger of abortion, you may have options.
Check out Abortion and men: What’s a father to do? for resources on how to potentially prevent an abortion.