Buyer: So, when you’re – when you know, in the back of your mind you’ve got X, Y, and Z organs that need to be procured and we want them to be reasonably intact, and you convert to breech, are you saying that pretty much, I mean there’s no guarantees with any of this, but we can pretty much count on having you know, the major areas, torso, thorax, abdomen intact –
PP: I’ll actually collect what you want sometimes, and put it aside.
Buyer: Oh, so you actually do the-
PP: If I see it. Why not? I’m right there. Oh, for sure, I mean to me, I don’t know, it makes the procedure that much better, like I’ve done something better.
~ Conversation between Dr. Deborah Nucatola (“PP”) and an actor posing as a fetal tissue procurement company rep, via the unedited transcript (and video – beginning at 1:33:05) from The Center for Medical Progress, July 15