
Quote of the day: Planned Parenthood is “scandal-ridden,” says former director

Sue Thayer

Sue Thayer

Efforts to end public funding for Planned Parenthood have been underway for years due to its many moral, ethical and legal transgressions…. The current movement to defund Planned Parenthood is not a political one that a bunch of men in Washington began. No, it’s the cry of many women who did not consent to the harvesting and trafficking of their baby’s organs and the cry of taxpayers who don’t want their money wasted.

Numerous other options exist for women’s healthcare that don’t involve a scandal-ridden abortion empire that believes it is above the law….

It is not “unfair” that Iowa’s Planned Parenthood affiliate is being drawn into the debate. I worked for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland for almost 18 years. As the center manager for Planned Parenthood’s Storm Lake facility, I became aware that Planned Parenthood had “illegally billed Medicaid for services related to elective abortions,” as The Des Moines Register has accurately reported. I filed a lawsuit against Planned Parenthood of the Heartland for fraudulently billing the residents of Iowa $28 million through a cunning and complex Medicaid scheme. I saw it happen. Because of my opposition to abortion, including webcam abortions, I had no choice but to leave Planned Parenthood.

~ Sue Thayer, former director of two Iowa Planned Parenthood clinics, The Des Moines Register, September 30

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