Planned Parenthood lies when it says “3 percent of its business is abortion.” It lies when it says it does mammograms. It lies to women. It lies to everyone. It lies all the time, in every situation. When raped teenage girls come in for abortions, it lies by not reporting the abuse to authorities. It keeps women in the dark. It lives in the dark. It thrives on lies. And lies. And lies. And lies.
This is a relevant point because the “independent analysts” who inspected the videos were hired by Planned Parenthood. They were not, in fact, independent at all. They were working for, and being paid by, the very organization being investigated. On top of it all, the report comes to us courtesy of a company called Fusion GPS, which is a deeply partisan opposition research firm tied to the Democrat Party.
Surely, none of us are stupid enough to think there was every any chance Planned Parenthood would hire liberal partisan “analysts” who’d potentially come back and say, “Yep, Planned Parenthood broke the law!” The outcome was predetermined. This report, which is now being disseminated as gospel by an ethically bankrupt media, is the result of Planned Parenthood investigating itself. Surprise! Planned Parenthood says Planned Parenthood is entirely innocent of wrongdoing (except for murdering the equivalent of the population of Delaware every year — that part is true, but never mind).
Is that really supposed to settle the issue?
~ Matt Walsh, The Blaze, August 28