Every doctor I have seen is worried about getting my baby here safely….
So it got me thinking, if I walked into Planned Parenthood today, what advice would they give me? Would my 16 week old baby be referred to as a baby or simply, “the fetus.”… Would they recommend terminating the pregnancy since it is high risk and a complication has occurred? I mean in their opinion this baby has no rights and I have a choice. They are right about one thing… me having a choice….
My choice is to treat this baby just like I do my other two kids because this baby IS just like my other two kids.
Over this weekend, I have been very emotional over the entire abortion epidemic in our country. I am fighting to keep my baby safe right now, while others are fighting to keep an organization with bad and illegal business practices government funded….
There are better clinics, hospitals, and other options that deserve the funding! Many think [of] the movement to defund Planned Parenthood as a war on women. I see this as a war for women.
~ Audra Wray, Life of a Fanny Pack Mom, September 23