Abortion advocates across the western world have almost completely abandoned the scientific and moral arguments for the institution, planting their flag on the supposed inevitably of it instead. They contend that because abortion does happen, it should happen. Or at least that because it does, it doesn’t matter if it should.
Pro-abortion folks argue that society’s duty is to not to prevent or condemn the murder of unborn human beings, but to ensure that it’s done safely and cleanly and at the gentle hands of a rich man with a framed diploma hanging on the wall….
The rationale usually sounds something like this: “Look, I don’t like abortion, but it’s going to happen no matter what. Might as well have a safe and clean way to do it. And if the children are already dead, because they’ve already been killed, because they were already going to be killed, then we might as well sell their corpses to science so that we can cure cancer or whatever.” (They might have trouble naming any single disease that’s actually been cured by cultivating aborted children, but never mind that.)…
So after much internal deliberation on the subject, I’ve decided that these folks have a point. Why burden ourselves with making murder illegal when it can more easily be relocated? It’s futile to have laws against things people do; laws should only ban things nobody would ever do. They’re much easier to enforce that way.
~ Matt Walsh, The Blaze, August 17