On Tuesday, May 17, Live Action held a “Stop the Killing” rally and press conference at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital in advance of the release of Live Action’s groundbreaking new video series, “What Is Abortion?” This series, released on June 14, exposes the most prevalent abortion procedures. It features female former abortionists, who narrate animations of the four most common abortion procedures.
Of note, two former abortionists spoke at the rally — two of those featured in the “What Is Abortion?” series. Dr. Beverly McMillan spoke about her conversion many years ago, and how seeing the tiny dismembered bicep of a 12-week-old boy she had just aborted reminded her of her four-year-old son. This changed her perspective on the humanity of the preborn, and changed her stance from pro-abortion to pro-life.

Dr. Beverly McMillan
Former abortionist Dr. Kathi Aultman, also featured in the video series, explained that when she started doing abortions, she didn’t see a human fetus any differently from a chicken embryo she had dissected in college. “I never had any qualms about doing abortions until I was in my neonatal rotation, and I realized that some of the babies that I was trying to save in the NICU were the same age as some of the babies I had aborted.” She said she ultimately realized she could no longer kill preborn children simply because they were not wanted. Over time, she also became a pro-life advocate.

Dr. Kathi Aultman
The rally was held outside a UCSF hospital for a reason, noted Kristin Turner, Executive Director of Pro-Life San Francisco and Communications Director for Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU). Turner stated that thousands of abortionists all over the country received training at UCSF, an entity that engages in particularly brutal abortion procedures. “They are trying to justify what will be seen as some of the most disgusting human rights violations when our society wakes up,” Turner said. “Now is the time to stand up. The unborn need you to conquer your fears. They need you to take direct action to preserve their lives.”

Kristin Turner, PAAU
But UCSF is only part of a larger problem, and California as a whole is quickly becoming an abortion tourism state. Jonathan Keller, President of the California Family Council, discussed the current state of abortion policy in California, noting that Governor Newsom recently formed the Future of Abortion Council, which has influenced 12 bills currently making their way through the state legislature. These bills would expand abortion even more so in what is already a heavily pro-abortion state. According to Keller, the Future of Abortion Council estimates that the number of abortions per year in California will increase from approximately 132,000 to as many as 1.4 million if their policies are adopted and if Roe v Wade is overturned. “We deserve better,” Keller stated. “California deserves better. Our nation deserves better … Instead of killing citizens across our nation, we should be loving and supporting them from conception to natural death.”

Jonathan Keller
Live Action’s Founder and President Lila Rose added, “Behind the glass and steel of the building behind us, there are doctors who are saving the lives of patients, and there are abortionists who are dismembering viable children. We are here because every single one of those children deserved to live. Every single child killed by an abortion deserved to be loved, and welcomed, and protected instead of enduring the forceps of an abortionist. California, we will not stop fighting until we have ended abortion.”

Lila Rose
Other speakers at the rally included “The Other Girls” podcast host Mallory Finch and Live Action news correspondent Christina Bennett.
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