Pro-abortion activist Katie Klabusich enjoys watching a good hockey game. Unfortunately, there’s a problem: “Right now I have to consider that this season I may be a rape survivor cheering for a team led by an accused rapist.”
She’s referring to the recent sexual assault allegations against Chicago Blackhawks forward Patrick Kane, allegations that leave her feeling conflicted about supporting the team.
I have to say, I’m a little surprised by Klabusich’s reaction. Because while sexual assault is a truly horrifying crime, that hasn’t stopped her from cheering for an outfit with a history of covering it up.
Planned Parenthood is lauded for being a “choice provider.” They certainly provided a choice to Gary Cross: the California man brought his thirteen year old stepdaughter there after getting her pregnant. While they didn’t tell authorities that she was well below the age of consent, they did offer Cross the chance to book her for an abortion at twenty weeks. With the evidence gone, Cross went back to raping her for months thereafter.
Timothy Smith’s step daughter had a similar experience. So did the daughter of John Blanks, Jr., and Adam Gault’s teenage victim did too.
Denise Fairbanks later explained in a lawsuit how she specifically told Planned Parenthood staff that she’d been brought in by her incestuous father. Rather than call the police, they performed an abortion and handed her back over to him.
Accused serial rapists Tyler Kost seems to have gotten help from Planned Parenthood without even knowing it. When one of his alleged victims went there, she was told that reporting the rape would involve too much paperwork. Law enforcement officials have said an investigation could have been started months earlier if only a report had been filed.
If at this point you’re wonder what sort of person would enable sexual violence, then you can stop. It’s this sort:
That’s former Planned Parenthood clinic director Amy Woodruff. In 2011, she was approached by Live Action investigators posing as pimps with underage prostitutes. Instead of responding with shock, she was ready to lend a hand. This included arranging abortions on teens who “can’t speak English” and “won’t know what’s going on.”
Woodruff wasn’t unique. When Live Action founder Lila Rose went to a Planned Parenthood center claiming to be a minor who’d been impregnated by her adult boyfriend, she was told to lie about the man’s age when seeking an abortion. Visits to other facilities produced similar results.
Nevertheless, Katie Klabusich continues to support Planned Parenthood. And unfortunately, so do you: every year, Planned Parenthood receives over half a billion of your tax dollars. That’s despite a track record of helping abusers, committing gendercide, and trafficking in human organs.
If you’d like that to change that, sign Live Action’s petition calling for an end to Planned Parenthood’s funding. It’s available here, along with more proof of the group’s crimes.
Klabusich says that when it comes to rape allegations, she wants to see the NHL “do the right thing.” When it comes to Planned Parenthood, Congress needs to do the same.