Editor’s Note: Live Action works to maintain the highest standards of journalistic integrity. Live Action has looked into key elements of Ms. Christie’s testimony and personal story and has found them to be credible.
This article was originally published as a Facebook post and is reprinted here with the author’s permission.
Being completely pro life, truly pro life, means having some uncomfortable conversations. So let’s have one. You may hate me for this. I may hate me for this. To be honest, this was always my biggest struggle. A child bearing a child. It took listening to those who lived these stories, women who once were the raped and pregnant adolescent… before I could start to understand.
Some were forced to abort. Others became mothers before they could see a PG-13 movie. The raped and pregnant child. Doesn’t she matter?
Slow exhale.
Doesn’t she MATTER?
Of course she matters. She matters so very much. She matters too much for us to look the other way while she is tormented in the abortion – abuse – abortion-abuse cycle.
Not sure what I mean?
Planned Parenthood has been exposed on video telling “sex traffickers” that they don’t ask about age or relationships. Hey – *shrug*- don’t ask, don’t tell. Not our business. No. Because their business is abortion. And we know from the young girls who have suffered and from the clinic’s own records that the very young brought in for abortion would then leave with the adult who brought them, no questions asked… and the next time… and maybe the next time. Over and over she is sent back into the hands of her abuser.
READ: Pregnant rape survivor: ‘I wouldn’t be here today’ if I had an abortion
And when we’re talking about a young girl who is pregnant? If it isn’t trafficking, we’re typically looking at abuse close within the family. And that isn’t a one time event. Child molesters… Rapists… Traffickers…. They love abortion.
Clean the slate. Erase the evidence. Begin again.
The uncomfortable truth is that a baby exposes the abuse. Forces action.
Doesn’t she matter… Physically… won’t her body be harmed by pregnancy and childbirth?
A couple things here:
First, in a girl so young, pregnancy is not discovered right away (sometimes not until she’s in her third trimester.) This needs to matter to everyone who gets stuck on the “but her immature body” argument because now we’re talking about a late term abortion.
If you are unfamiliar with this procedure, I encourage you to do a little research. Third trimester abortions require hospitalization where labor is induced. Complications occur with 23%-51% of women.
“One negative aspect of these abortions is that the fetus may be delivered alive and then must be left to die of respiratory failure, a disturbing task for all persons involved.” (Richard E. Jones PhD, Kristin H. Lopez PhD, in Human Reproductive Biology (Fourth Edition), 2014
As for second trimester abortions, The [A]id to [W]omen center in Tempe, AZ warns that “scarring of the uterine lining can occur by the abortion instruments that may result in miscarriages in consecutive future pregnancies and possible infertility.”
“There is a risk that the uterus and nearby organs (like the bladder) may be punctured or torn by the abortion instruments. Perforation of the uterus may result in surgery that could include removal of the uterus (hysterectomy).”
Yes. Yes, we care.
We care that a young girl should never be facing any of this. Not ever. But why the insistence that an abortion… unnatural and invasive… is less traumatic than a C-section? Than the fact that she was raped to begin with? That’s the real evil and that’s what no one wants to face. We’re so focused on pregnancy, a temporary condition, when it’s her heart and soul, damaged by unconscionable violation and betrayal, that will need our ongoing attention. Our unwavering love.
We know rape in pregnancy accounts for a tiny fraction of total abortions. This demographic is obviously even less. But every one is precious. And for that one, this is a discussion worth having, however emotionally charged.
Because she matters.
Love Louder.
Editor’s Note: This article was published on Love Louder’s Facebook page, and is reprinted here with permission. You can visit Jeff and Jennifer Christie’s website here.
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