Amy Main, a digital creator, recently shared a video in which women were asked if they would rather have the “right to abortion” or the “right to vote.” Shockingly, women said they’d rather be able to kill their preborn children in an abortion than have the ability to vote in U.S. elections. Their reasoning was based on common pro-abortion talking points that dehumanize certain children. Main had a solid response.
In the video, originally shared by PragerU, the women were asked, “Would you rather have the right to an abortion or the right to vote?”
The first woman stated, “Abortion.”
The second woman agreed, “Oh, abortion, yeah.”
PragerU then asked, “What’s your take on that? Why would you place the right of abortion higher than even your right to vote?”
“I would rather not put my child through like a lifetime of suffering,” answered a third woman.
A fourth stated, “There was literally like no… shelf, no baby food on the shelves in stores for a while so the government can’t even supply the children food, how are we gonna supply them food? So that’s why we need to have the abortion there too.”
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Main responded to the clip by saying, “You know how much I hate this argument, because I too was unwanted. I too was hungry and homeless, you know. And turns out that my life still had value! I still went on to love and be loved, you know. But what this person is saying is, ‘I need abortion because I need to know that when things get harder, people struggle, I need to be able to tell my child “I love you enough to kill you.”‘”
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Main has been outspoken about abortion, saying that she grew up poor, lived in a car, and moved from foster home to foster home before she was adopted. In a previous video, she responded to the idea that anyone who may suffer should be killed. In the Students for Life video to which she responded, a woman stated that people who are going to suffer would be “better off never born than dying from starvation or dying from abuse.”
Main said, “That’s me, by the way. I fit that description. I was given up by my mom at two months old. She left for a pack of cigarettes, never came back, okay? I was homeless. We were hungry, on the streets. We went into foster care, I was abused severely whenever I was a child and I fit the description of ‘it would have been better if I had never been born’ except for every single person is made in the image of God and you don’t get to determine whether they have a right to life. Your perception of whether their life is good or not does not determine whether they should be allowed to have it.”
The idea that it’s better for a child to be killed by abortion than to live with any amount of suffering is a common pro-abortion argument, but it’s deeply flawed and based on the elite‘s discriminatory attitudes toward children who spend time in foster care, are poor, or suffer any level of abuse.